The Man Who Destroyed His Country – Macias Nguema "The Pol Pot of Africa"

Not many dictators can claim to have sent their country back to the stone age, but Francisco Macias Nguema certainly tried his best to do just that. Sometimes called “The Pol Pot of Africa” Nguema’s ten year rule of terror turned Equatorial Guinea from a plantation economy into the “Dachau of Africa”.

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42 thoughts on “The Man Who Destroyed His Country – Macias Nguema "The Pol Pot of Africa"”

  1. Wow! I didn't realise how bad it was & still is. It proves the point that post-colonial African countries are corrupt because The West wants it that way so they & their multi-national companies can make a great deal of money & to hell with the common people.

  2. When your country is only known for this, the oil, and that guy who could barely swim two lengths of the pool at the Sydney Olympics, you've gotta wonder what kind of basket-case nation you're living in. 😬

  3. Completely unrelated to this video, but I wanted to let you know there are some GLARING inaccuracies in your video on the tri-state tornado you made a year ago.

  4. You should cover one of the major mid air collisions in the United States. My recommendation would be the one over New York since it doesn’t get as much attention as other air crashes

  5. Scary how familiar a lot of his behavior was leading up to the regime, stealing up and transferring as much power to himself, trying to make his rule eternal and forbid anyone from leaving– It sounds a LOT like a certain somebody.. A few somebodies. None good.

  6. From one perspective, elections are too risky. Elections allow the insane to take control. And what do they do? They end the elections. Better to not have them in the first place? It just may be the case that a benevolent ruling system is superior. Though with many things up for a vote. Thoughts?

  7. i think it's a funny idea that the local Catholic school, established by colonists, would be any type of safe haven for a kid growing up in colonial Africa, especially after a colonist killed his father in front of him. lol what

  8. Very curious as to the source of EG life expectancy being one of the highest in the region. We have such, such poor internal records of anything pre-colonial and even directly post-colonial, so my immediate reaction to that assertion is wondering who exactly came to that conclusion and by what standards.

  9. the way the current pres is welcomed internationally is the modern manifestation for how little the rest of the world gives a crap about equatorial guinea or just African suffering in general. it took 11 years for the UN to acknowledge what was happening back then and contemporary world leaders turn a blind eye cause they turn a profit on our oil. the world's a gross place and i'm pretty sure coming from this background is the reason i turned out to be an anarchist 🤣🤣

  10. Hitler: "I persecuted and slaughtered those I saw as inferior."
    Nguema: "Check."
    Stalin: "My paranoia and grip on power resulted in the execution of my compatriots."
    Nguema: "Check."
    Mao: "I introduced radical policies which caused the misery and deaths of my countrymen."
    Nguema: "Check."
    Pol Pot: "I destroyed my country and decimated its intellectual base by creating a modern day slave state."
    Nguema: "Check."
    Idi Amin: "I kept the bodies/skulls of my enemies as trophies."
    Nguema: "Check."
    Kim Jong Un: "Well, I bet your country was never a despotic dynasty."
    Obiang and his son laughing in the background.

  11. The Powers-that-be allowed him to take control because they assumed – quite wrongly – that they could use him.
    When it comes to an insane 'loose cannon', the Great Powers really don't understand the concept of 'loose cannon'. It's like a drug addict saying "Yeah, I know it's killing me but I can stop at any time, honest!"

  12. >estimate 60-90% of the population either killed or left the country
    Even when someone new got into that president seat he won't be able to change anything, they simply have no people.
    It really says something when your country is demographically screwed more than that of Paraguay.

  13. Another great video Raven, really enjoying this longer format too- it didn’t feel like 20 mins at all thanks to your excellent pacing. Thanks for bringing such a terrible topic to light- disgusting how that man is still in power


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