The Lost City of Lord Hanuman: Exploring La Ciudad Blanca in Honduras

Join us on a thrilling trip to explore the city that is mythically named La Ciudad Blanca in Honduras which is also known by the name β€œThe White City.” Based on legends, the city was a secret place of worship for gods and gold where people worshipped gigantic β€œMonkey Sculptures” and a temple that led to a sculpture of the β€œMonkey God.” American tourist Theodore Morde claimed to have discovered the city’s lost location in the year 1940. He brought back a wealth of artifacts, including evidence of platinum, gold silver, oil, and. Recent studies have found evidence of ancient pyramids as well as an area of plazas within the Mosquitia region, which is where The city may be in.

What is the connection between Lord Hanuman who is the Hindu god of the gods famous for his power and courage? The article explores the interesting connections between the old South American and Indian cultures which include the notion of cyclical times and the significance that the serpent represents. There could have been ancient contacts between these two regions? What clues do the ancient sites found in South America continue to reveal about the people who constructed them and their ways of living? Don’t miss this fascinating investigation of The Lost City of Lord Hanuman.


42 thoughts on “The Lost City of Lord Hanuman: Exploring La Ciudad Blanca in Honduras”

  1. Hindu Granth , Puran ,Veid koi Mythology nahi hai Humara Likhit Itihas hai πŸ™πŸ™πŸš©πŸš©πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡―πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡―πŸ‘πŸ‘βœŒοΈβœŒοΈ

  2. Americas in vedas are called as patallok. Hell on earth not because of the land but because of thick rain forests, volcanoes, desert etc… Ravan was the king of Patallok and when Ahiraven took Shri Ram and Shri Laxman hanumanji went to Patallok. Look at the flag of Mexico, their is a picture of Garud with a snake in it's claws and match it Shri Vishnu on Garud. Sanatan dharm was always their and will survive till the end of human civilization no matter how many false and forceful conversions by Christians and Muslims.

  3. The history of the indigenous peoples in the Americas is much, much older than a few thousand years. We judge the Maya, Aztecs, Inca’s and others on the traces that we find. But when we dig our way from the present to the past, we must know that the Earth is suffering from a cycle of recurring natural disasters. That is told in the Popol Vuh. These disasters create a cycle of civilizations. There are four primitive civilizations. Sometimes mentioned a sun or world era. The next civilization lives in the fifth sun. This becomes eventually a high developed civilization that disappeared 20,000 years ago. Then the cycle starts again. During the first 4 suns the people were guided by alien deities. Also at the start of the fifth sun. At a certain moment in time, those deities leave the people alone. Led by fanatic priests, the people start offering more and more often and from fruits and animals, they started offering children and humans. They knew that after death, new life would occur and they wanted the deities to return. That is how the Aztec are remembered, but once they were high educated. They left us the sun stone, which is a 20,000 years old warning for this recurring disasters. To learn much more about the cycle of disasters and civilizations, recurring floods, ancient high tech and alien deities, read the e-book: "what I know about Nibiru". You can read it nicely on every computer, tablet or smartphone. Just search for: know Nibiru

  4. During Sanatana dharmic tim 100 000 years there was only 1 continent all were Sanatana dharma the 3 powers the creTir destroyer and preservers Brahman Shiva Vishnu all lead back
    To Shiva the one powerful ultimate power

  5. While searching for Maata Sita, King Sugreeva & his vanarasena gave very accurate descriptions of Central & south Americas, South Asia-Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines & Japan, Trans-caucasian Europe, Africa. The Nazca Lines across Peru symbolises Bahgwan Shiva. Nazca Lines was also used as border/boundary between Devas(Gods & demigods) & King Bali(Mahabali). The chief god of Inca civilisation is called Virococha, who actually is King Virochana, the son of King Prahlada & the father of King Bali. Sanatan dharma is everywhere & always till eternity & beyond.

  6. Modi and BJP has lead to good dharma tasks but this is fantasy – gone wild beyond imagination. Please stop crap like this. Hindus were under Islamic rule for 700 years, British for 200. When you waste time on fantasy garbage like this, superior military and strategic powers will rule you. monkey gods ain’t going to help you when Chinese hordes take land and already have taken Lord Shivas abode – Mr Kailash in Tibet. Chutias

  7. I was debating a guy a guy that said this was not hindu. He says there was no mayan han- umon. Then he names the 6 mayan monkey gods. So I tell him thank you for that because there isn't just hanumon . He had 5 brothers. The 6 sons of Raj. We probably could also connect these stories while the names are different . It definitely is another correlation.


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