The Vape Industry is LYING To You (Vaping & Health)

Discover the shocking truth about vaping companies and the health risks they are hiding from you in this eye-opening video. Join us as we delve deep into how the vape industry may be deceiving consumers and jeopardizing their health with misleading information.

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Stay informed about the potential dangers of vaping / nicotine and learn the facts that companies don’t want you to know. Don’t miss out on this crucial insight into the world of vaping and your well-being.,the%20damage%20of%20chronic%20inflammation.,as%20cardiovascular%20(heart)%20disease.&text=E%2Dcigarettes%20also%20contain%20acrolein,primarily%20used%20to%20kill%20weeds.

#fda #vapingisthefuture #vape #smoking #illness #nonicotine #bigvape #netflix


8 thoughts on “The Vape Industry is LYING To You (Vaping & Health)”

  1. The disease you referred to was caused by t.h.c vapes being cut with vitamin E, it was widely investigated by the CDC. When you spot bs in a video you then question all the other facts presented in it.

  2. Saying that vaping is healthier than smoking cigarettes, is like saying eating kebab is healthier than eating pizza. Both are destroying your health, only difference is one does it faster than the the other!


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