The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks | PART 5 FINALE | Zelda Marathon

We’ve reached the end of the line for Spirit Tracks.


Series Playlist:
Zelda Marathon Playlist:
Oracle of Seasons Playlist:


16 thoughts on “The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks | PART 5 FINALE | Zelda Marathon”

  1. Wait, Anjean has feet?! And here I thought Byrne was just special in actually having feet unlike the rest of the Lokomo… I mean honestly it makes sense that they'd all have feet, it's just that aside from Byrne you can't see their feet due to the wheeled contraptions they're on. Because of that reason I honestly thought that that was part of their body and they didn't have feet…

  2. so for the trains, for anyone curious

    Complete Spirit Train – 4 Hearts
    Any one customised Train Part – 5 Hearts
    Complete Customized Set (Except Gold) – 6 Hearts
    Complete Gold Train – 8 Hearts
    this is all it does apparently, and the engine has a different whistle. If you struggle with fights or want to 100% go for it, but otherwise the train parts do nothing.

  3. Honestly, as a band kid with a love of trains, Zelda games,and the patience that would baffle a saint… I adored this game so much. Unlocking all the tracks, the side quests, the stamps, was enjoyable because even when trying to figure out where I wanted to go next I’d just drive the train around the map.

    Of course I was on the ds lite (I think) so that’s already infinitely better using the bulky Wii U game pad. That would’ve probably killed me after an hour or so

  4. Honestly when the pieces work together this game can honestly be really enjoyable, though given how jank the flute sections are I can't blame anyone if it sours their experience or causes them to drop it. When I was replaying this game a few years ago I pretty much stopped right before the end because that final section of the Spirit Tower is an incredibly long drag. Love the finale though, that much hasn't changed from when I was a kid playing this for the first time, replaying it as an adult, and watching you cross the finish line.

  5. Thank you for playing this game, lots of people haven't played it because of Phantom Hourglass and the train mechanics (partly because it came after Phantom Hourglass' boat mechanics imo). Both games were my childhood, but Spirit Tracks was always my favourite from the two, mostly because you had Zelda the entire time with you.

    I agree with you that the side content really requires you to go out of your way to talk to people (eg some lokomos have quests after you clear their region's temples) or just do escort missions with very specific paths (dark ore delivery). However, I do wanna say that the tracks you unlock with force gems have some secret areas you might not have seen otherwise (like the lost at sea station, snowdrift station and more) that do offer more "content" to those wanting to 100% the game (the lost at sea station for example is an homage to the temple of the ocean king). Regardless, I enjoyed this playthrough and I am really glad you did too (for the majority of it).

  6. I think the two problems this game has are: No future-proofing and bad sidequest. For the former, Nintendo didn't plan at all if all the mechanics could work well in a device that isn't like the DS and so you had all the problems you had because the game wasn't made for the WiiU at all. As for the latter? There just aren't good rewards and the sidequest are boring, so there's no reason to do them.

    Both of these things make the game fun to play in short burst of time and only to beat it but a hassle to 100%.

  7. I got all the bunnies in my playthrough, and it was definitely not worth it. I think I gave up before getting the last stamp, but it was years ago. Either way, this was a fun playthrough and I look forward to seeing more!


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