Islamophobe reads Surah 19: "No kids"

Actual Surah title: Mary

Where I realise that most of the people who have ever loved me, loved me more than God.

I will be streaming at unknown times at

Also, if you want to give some alms to me:
I suspect I will need them, for extra security.


32 thoughts on “Islamophobe reads Surah 19: "No kids"”

  1. tbh i appreciate you for having patience and trying to make sense of the Quran what you can, just one thing i’d like to point out that struck me when i first read is how harsh the descriptions of the fate of some of the disbelievers seem, this might seem deterring me but once you read what the early Muslims (who practised their faith in private, and were not aggressive to others by any means ) went through just for ceasing to worship idols , it puts it into perspective. For example, a slave who was later freed and became a companion of the Prophet was whipped severely, left out in the sun with rocks on his back and dragged through the streets simply for proclaiming belief in one God. A woman and man who were found to have converted was tortured and killed, the wife being gored using a spear. The Prophet himself who was of higher status within society was attempted to be poisoned ( after which he forgave the accused), had garbage dumped all over his home and had camel intestines poured on him while quietly praying before eventually being plotted against to be killed. This is why the Quran can seem harsh in that respect

  2. Why do you take every sentence on yourselves?
    It is written based on situation and based on different types of people and their behavior.
    If you don't have knowledge of history, present world politics, how world reacts to Islam or how they are behaving in their own religion or running a country or a state , you won't understand the wisdom

  3. Just like Andy who is grappling with the supposed tyranny of an “angry God,” I once used to find the punishment for disbelievers to be quite challenging. However, because I was exposed to the linguistic beauty of the Quran (which I believed is impossible to be human composition) and read the biography of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), my faith held firm despite those stray thoughts.

    Eventually I came across the writings of a scholar (forgot his name) and he offered a perspective that made sense to me. He wrote the rules applicable to creation cannot be imposed on the Creator. How could I, a mere creation, judge the Creator—who brought everything into existence—based on my own rules and principles? Even the rules of an ant would not be applicable to me, despite us both being creations.

    Andy, if you’re reading this, I urge you to read at least one biography of Muhammad (pbuh). Obviously you enjoy reading a lot, so please give Martin Lings' "Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources" a try. I guarantee you, you won't be disappointed.

  4. @Andy Oak, i belive your view of the concept of God is skewed by your past experiences. One thing to note is that the term Kafir (disbeliver) refers to a rejector of gods favors upon him. It does not refer to people who have not been delivered the message.

  5. prophet abrham was guided throught his lifetime by god to not worship idiols just as prophet mohamed and all the prophets peace be upon them all had, but thhe thing is abrham didnt really know who that god was he knew it couldnt be anything like what he saw from his day to day life so prophet abrham was in this statae of confusion thus god reaveald himself to him and thats what this ayah is talking about. he confroted his dad and told him he has recived knowledge which u havent recived. there is nothing arrogant about that. i urge you to not speak on a matter which u ironially have no knowlege about it comes of as arrogant(ironaclly)

  6. he's just throwing random words at this point , clearly this guy just lacks friends or someone who listens to him so he decided to make these videos to get some clout , nice new cam angle btw to cover your massive tits

  7. He is reading without concentrating or trying to understand the context.
    Zakaria & his wife were very old (in their 80's?) therefore having kids was unlikely.
    Zakaria wanted a heir to carry on the Prophethood after him & not for selfish reasons.
    These were not "bronze age Nomads" as he says! Obviously confused about the Timeline! They lived in the CITY of Jerusalem & he was the High Priest of the Temple.
    I couldn't bear to listen to him after that…

  8. To me when an Atheists try to Disapproves God. It's funny cause they dont beleive in God why would they even try it. It's like I know Unicorns dont exist. So I wont go to someone who believes in Unicorn and I will say yeah they don't. But when an Aethiest says he doesn't beleives in God. And God is that and this unfair, blah blah. To me he is just trying to convince himself God doesn't exist nothing else.

    The thinking is simple if there is God (which is), then If god has laid the rules out. There is no point of why is he angry? Why unfair? Dude God exists. There are rules. Either believe it and follow the rules and don't.

  9. Sorry but your mentality is that of a typical flat earther.. ( a flat earther needs the ideology more, their heart and minds are sealed to the idea of a round earth, but are toooo arogant to take heed of the truth) there are a lot of the people who are trying their best to debuk islam and are trying their best to find holes in islam, but the truth and funny this is they need islam more, they are getting money from islam and the fact is islam is reaching more and more ears. Thanks guys. (At this moment in time, 17.2.24, more and more people are coming to islam, its incredible. The amount of negative media about islam is sooooo high that you would think theres no hope for islam, but its the complete opposite. We have people who are at the top in their life in terms of acamedic and sport's are are choosing islam)

  10. Just look at his Anxious Non verbal communication he is showing constantly, by holding a bottle of Pepsi , drinking it burping and constantly talking about relationship/ being victim / uncessary smile /laugh , complaining through out, Mohammad Ali schooled him. When ever being kind to mother comes he laughs at it , what might have happened during his childhood.


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