THE LAIR | Official Trailer

THE LAIR In Theaters, On Demand, and Digital October 28th, 2022

Starring Charlotte Kirk, Jonathan Howard, Jamie Bamber

Directed by Neil Marshall

When Royal Air Force pilot Lt. Kate Sinclair is shot down over Afghanistan, she finds refuge in an abandoned underground bunker where deadly man-made biological weapons – half human, half alien – are awakened.


39 thoughts on “THE LAIR | Official Trailer”

  1. I'm excited, hopefully this is a return to The Descent and Dog Soldiers days. The monsters remind of the ones from Feast (minus the tongue), which is a good thing. I'd rather have practical monster suits than cgi. Speaking of the cgi, the few shots that have it in the trailer stick out like a sore thumb… Slightly concerning, but it can be overlooked if the rest of the movie delivers.

  2. no cgi shit all the way with female hero that looks more like a model then a soldier.. and why o why use so much makeup when you are in the military? I saw nothing in the trailer that exited me at all. and i find it sad when i liked dog soldiers and decent pretty much.

  3. I love it when the obligatory lead English actress in a Hollywood movie speaks in her natural regional accent and not in an acquired hoity toity posh accent. And btw, she is so darned pretty.

  4. His film "Dog Soldiers" Was outstanding….. Still waiting for PART TWO…..
    In mt 20+ years in the military, many on flight status….
    I HAVE NEVER seen a female do justice to any unifirm like this actress did…

  5. Looks amazing except for that one male soldier. Like it looks as though they made a perfect movie and then shoved him in there as an anti Woke caricature. Idk, maybe it’s just the trailer. I’ll try to catch this in theaters regardless


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