The Hunter||In A World Of Monsters||A Rare Monster, A Theif And A Tribe Of Orcs||Texting Story Ninja


19 thoughts on “The Hunter||In A World Of Monsters||A Rare Monster, A Theif And A Tribe Of Orcs||Texting Story Ninja”

  1. Petrification : (for those who don't know) allows the user to turn a living creature to stone.

    Astral projection : separate the users mind from their body , they are unable interact with the physical world.

  2. (🧠 psychic abilities)

    clairvoyance: clairvoines allow the user of the ability to see 20 seconds in to the future. this ability can be later evolve into future site

    clairaudiecne: clairaudiecne is a type of ability that allow the user to hear things psychically without the use of the user ears people who have this ability receive information from sounds. the user can also use this ability to form sounds into images like an advance echo location

    clairsentience: clairsentience is inability that allows the user to feel the Aura, Souls and emotions of others and it also allows the user to see the danger level of their opponent

    danger level: (🟢 save) (🟠 hostile) (🔵 dangerous) (🔴 Runaway) (⚫?????)

  3. Greate sage:there is a voice in user head that can analyze anything/anyone if the user ask

    Eyes of Truth:allow the user see the opponent level/state

    (You choose) Super or hyper Regeneration:It's self explain

  4. Psyshock, taken from Pokemon and adapted for this: the user of this skill has achived such high mastery over their psychic energy that they can compress it (the energy) into jagged stones and control them at will. This skill deals moderate to massive physical damage that scales based on the amount of mana used to conjure and compress the psychic energy


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