The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Video Game, Part 3 – Video Games Over Time

Welcome back to Video Games Over Time. We are still in 1984. In this video, we continue our quest through the story of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by seeing what we can do aboard the legendary Heart of Gold. With Arthur Dent and the prospect of tea on our side, hopefully we can make it to the planet of Magrathea, which is our ultimate goal. Then, it’s time to talk about the reception and legacy of the game.



1 thought on “The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Video Game, Part 3 – Video Games Over Time”

  1. I remember playing this game in college, over 20 years after it came out. Fantastic game, but so so frustrating when I saved with exactly 1 too few turns before a death, locking me into a dead end multiple hours into the game. I need to go back to it though, for the nostalgia.


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