The Future of the World (2030 to 10,000 A.D.+): 130 Future Technologies

This video explores the future of the world from 2030 to 10,000 A.D. and beyond…Watch this next video about the Technological Singularity:
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0:00 2030
12:40 2050
39:11 2060
49:57 2070
01:04:58 2080
01:16:39 2090
01:28:38 2100
01:49:03 2200
02:05:48 2300
02:20:31 3000
02:28:18 10,000 A.D.
02:35:29 1 Million Years
02:43:16 1 Billion Years


• The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (Ray Kurzweil):
• The Future of Humanity (Michio Kaku):
• AI 2041: 10 Visions of Our Future (Kai-Fu Lee & Chen Qiufan):
• Tim Ferriss Podcast [Chris Dixon and Naval Ravikant — The Wonders of Web3, How to Pick the Right Hill to Climb, Finding the Right Amount of Crypto Regulation, Friends with Benefits, and the Untapped Potential of NFTs (542)]:


💡 Future Business Tech explores the future of technology and the world.

Examples of topics I cover include:
• Artificial Intelligence & Robotics
• Virtual and Augmented Reality
• Brain-Computer Interfaces
• Transhumanism
• Genetic Engineering



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This video explores the future of the world from 2030 to 10,00 A.D. and beyond…Other related terms: kardashev scale, type 1 civilization, advanced civilization, the kardashev scale, ai, artificial intelligence, future business tech, future technology, future tech, future business technologies, future technologies, quantum, artificial general intelligence, artificial superintelligence, superintelligence, nanotechnology, post scarcity civilization, future city, hive mind, globalization, radical life extension, etc.

#artificialintelligence #technology


34 thoughts on “The Future of the World (2030 to 10,000 A.D.+): 130 Future Technologies”

  1. The future has never been as predicted. Colonization of the solar system and the mily way will be required for the future you predict because as life is extended the desire to reproduce will not be curbed and overpopulation will become a horror.

  2. Space elevators, although possible on paper, would cause devastating consequences on the entire worlds climate and environment over a decade or two, maybe sooner, that would make the current carbon crisis look like a birthday party. The monetary cost of such an endeavor could only be afforded by the same no good scum that got filthy rich by spewing the billions and billions of tons of carbon every year into the sky while they make us smog our cars, like its our fault the icecaps are melting. You can't trust these people who only care about money and themselves to not destroy what remains of the earths life supporting environment, if there's any left by that time, in order to make it possible for them to construct a giant orbiting space station so that they can abandon the sinking ship like rats.
    Having a ground based structure that reaches into space by using centrifugal force to counteract the pull of gravity would effect the entire weather system of the earth and cause an air flow upward along the structure that would carry it up faster and faster all the way to the top and into space like a gigantic Wick and we would all suffocate before we could even get mad about the fact that getting a living space on that space station will be far above the income level required for 99% of the people on earth.

  3. I'm a bit skeptical when it comes to bionic eyes. The last thing anyone would want is to have their eyes hacked. I hope the security features are seriously thought about before releasing this product.

  4. I didn’t see telepathic messaging and communication. Meta was just able to translate brain activity into not only accurate text, but actual images. In a few years, using either a non-invasive device, or implanted devices, we will be able to communicate using thought. Even better using implants like Neurolink. The downside is… could be charged for pre-crime.

  5. Ok, firstly, I'll go ahead and get my pessimistic predictions of the future out of the way. In 2025, military industry has reached such levels of greed, and apothy, that a nuclear war was waged. This war, known as the "the 15 minute war" ended all life on the planet Earth. We know this because of a discovery in archeoligy. It appears that these residents somehow lost their abilities to distinguish fundamental differences in their own well established biology, culture, and societal norms. This apparent loss of intellect was brought on by the advent of "cancel cultrue" thereby taking once intelligent lifeforms, and converting them into mindless atomatons, that were unable to form their own conclusions about reality, out of a fear of being branded a white Supremacist, and being banned from outside human contact, by the rest of their species. This resulted in the bringing on of the 15 minute war, and subsequent armageddon. In the year 3000, the term "human" is slang for anyone mentally unfit for society. Don't be a human about it. That's now the biggest insult one can hurl in a fit of anger. The end.

  6. BEWARE. Whoever believes much nonsense and BS, needs his/ her HEAD checked out deep from inside. Some might turn into a reality, I have no doubt, but not for your benefit but for those in control of all those technologies who are not interested in making your life a luxury but a fully obedient ignorant Human Being with an Expiration Date.

  7. Bologna, you suggested the Jetsons lifestyle and they have delivered the Flintstones. Rolling power, tiny homes smaller than a gorilla’s cage. PhoneyFood with prices unaffordable

  8. 0:26: 🌐 By 2030, the world will witness advancements in human-like AI and 8K virtual reality headsets becoming mainstream.
    10:47: 🌍 By 2035, small modular nuclear reactors could generate significant energy worldwide, valued at nearly half a trillion dollars.
    21:15: 👓 Virtual reality glasses with 16k resolution are replacing smartphones.
    32:38: 🤖 Advancements in AI and robotics have led to autonomous machines with nanotechnology self-healing abilities and the ability to be controlled by soldiers wearing virtual reality headsets.
    57:07: 🤖 Advancements in robotics and AI technology have led to conscious virtual beings being transferred into realistic robot bodies, robot weddings becoming more common, and replicator machines becoming mainstream products.
    1:09:58: 💎 Asteroid mining has led to the rise of trillionaires and the development of automated mining operations in the inner solar system, with a focus on Saturn's moon Titan.
    1:24:06: 🌱 Humans in the future may be able to generate energy through photosynthetic skin and hair, allowing them to survive without food.
    1:37:47: ✈️ The video discusses advancements in technology, such as floating cars and room-temperature superconductors, that are transforming various industries.
    1:52:34: 🎮 Realistic simulations are being used as destinations for people who upload their minds to computers.
    2:21:31: 🌍 Humans are planning to build Dyson Spheres in nearby star systems to harvest immense amounts of energy and create habitats for various lifeforms, while also occupying over 100,000 Earth-like worlds in a region of the Milky Way galaxy.
    2:37:28: ! Humans can now travel between planets and stars using laser porting superhighways and synthetic bodies.
    Recapped using TammyAI

  9. "Frist a comprehensive editor"
    I get the market analysis (Strategists & nifty projects)
    Except this video is contradicting itself Runs throughout the canvas.
    No monetary war & suddenly it returns?
    Over & over
    No hunger crime suddenly returning criminals? rjust Toys
    No-future humanity is sourced and then left birth abandoned.
    …The soul itself survived Originally a neurological consciousness separation. Unknown "origin" of time.
    "Only a synthetic machine exists copyrighted"
    …..Reminds me of big- pharmaceutical industries enlightened commercial.
    Always projecting the most beautifully colorful happiness & it can be yours.
    .✂s>i<s✂ Obey or flatline.

  10. Think most money will walk.with.eyes covered from sun forever a.i. human slaves to.quatum lite in goggles over your eyes and walk into traffic could go blinded by a.i.can we trust our eyesight covered

  11. This is great content .It's very detailed .Who is giving you this information ?
    I'm looking forward to health technologies,drivless cars and a home robot for my house work and cooking 😊♥️♥️


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