The Fastest Sneakiest Highest-Flying Spy Plane

The Lockheed U-2, affectionately called the “Dragon Lady,” represented a revolution in aerial reconnaissance in the midst of the intense Cold War arms race. Designed to operate on the edge of space, the groundbreaking U-2 used its distinctive glider-like structure, enormous wingspan, and sleek fuselage to soar at altitudes upwards of 70,000 feet.

Its ability to operate at such dizzying heights allowed it to evade most interceptors and missiles of its day while performing high-stakes covert reconnaissance missions deep in the heart of enemy territory, using its state-of-the-art photographic equipment to gather high-resolution images from the fringes of the atmosphere, keeping the United States one step ahead of its Communist rivals.

Its crucial role in national security was epitomized in 1962 during one of the tensest moments of the 20th Century when a U-2 was able to capture the construction of Soviet missile bases in Cuba on camera; thanks to its sterling surveillance work, the world was saved from nuclear war.

The U-2 may be a Cold War icon, but its unique attributes have ensured it a lifespan that has lasted long beyond the end of the confrontation, with the latest versions of this legendary aircraft still playing an indispensable part in reconnaissance missions to this day.


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