Terra Invicta – Brutal Campaign – Episode 38

Campaigns as voted by you! Terra Invicta won the Patreon vote and so I settle in to a game I’ve honestly never heard of. It certainly, at first glance, has the look and feel of EUIV and similar games. Lets see what makes this one special…

It keeps me motivated to see your comments and I will also do my best to reply to all of them.

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4 thoughts on “Terra Invicta – Brutal Campaign – Episode 38”

  1. Fleet battle power isn't working properly right now, because it's affected by Delta V too much. The aliens' ships are overrated, because they have a lot of Delta V. Later in the game it isn't that important, because you'll have better drives by then

    I think the developers should split it in two numbers: "raw power" (guns, armor, etc.) and mobility (Delta V and maybe acceleration). Or at least they should show how it's computed in the UI

  2. A little "Monday Morning Quarterbacking" here.. .but given that the "amphibious landing" portion of any assault is brutally hard, couldn't you have kept at least one army in Florida and let the other areas have one fewer armies?


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