Missing Titanic sub: Friend of explorer cancelled trip due to lots of risks

The rescue mission for the missing submersible exploring the wreck of the Titanic has reached a critical point, with the supply of oxygen on board now believed to have run out.

The US Coast Guard said the vessel had around 96 hours of oxygen left when it went missing on Sunday, estimating the supply would run out at around midday UK time today.

More rescue ships arrived today to aid in the search for missing Titan, with hopes pinned on the arrival of a French underwater robot called Victor 6,000.

It comes after US Coast Guard officials on Wednesday said they remained “hopeful” after sonar detected unidentified “underwater noises”.

Read your updates here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/06/22/missing-titanic-sub-live-oceangate-rescue-search-latest/

#titanic #missing #submarine

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43 thoughts on “Missing Titanic sub: Friend of explorer cancelled trip due to lots of risks”

  1. Praying that these people haven't died in vain, and that stringent tests on the build of submersibles will be required. This is so, so sad. 🙏🏼🕯️Praying for their families and friends 🥺

  2. There is nothing wrong with them using an xbox controller for the submersible but since they needed a bigger ship for going down those depths a game controller would not do.

  3. deep sea exploration on the level of motorbike safety, but that of 1970

    What would have happened in case of a fire inside , prretty much the same as the apollo capsule desaster of the 60 when astronauts were killed in a fire.

    This guy did a wise decision.

  4. My god, attempting to go 2.5 miles down in the North Atlantic in what is a piece of junk, a giant soda can….what fools, and another piece of great american regulatory supervision..this time submersibles…says it all about the present state of US manufacturing and regulation

  5. It’s actually ironic how both the titanic and this submarine had billionaires inside and died like it was an accident….. it’s not , when the rich people died from the old titanic same moment the federal reserve was created . Nothing is just mere accidents .

  6. This is so sad, no matter your perspective on this, whether it was reckless or in the noble purist of adventure/exploration. But what is completely SHOCKING, is the fact that the CEO (the one now dead with four other souls) of OceanGate, quoted, "I don't want 50 year old white men" when constructing their own sub – in other words, he'd rather have less experienced people, in the name of diversity, working on the complicated feat that is making a safe, functioning submarine instead of vetted professionals! More details need to be released about this and the company, but there is an argument to be made – this CEO is directly responsible for his and the fate of four others perishing, all in the name of deluded wokism (leftist politics).

  7. Smart man, if they had found a hidden treasure they wouldn't have told him or shared the riches with us so f them. Got too much to worry about. YouTube please don't recommend this primitive topic. Thanks


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