THE END! Charles Strips Harry & Andrew's LAST ROYAL RIGHTS Banishing Them From Royal Family Forever.

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26 thoughts on “THE END! Charles Strips Harry & Andrew's LAST ROYAL RIGHTS Banishing Them From Royal Family Forever.”

  1. If King Charles does not stop this it could hurt him in long run. So tell them your not welcome. Take notes from her late majesty she stopped her uncle from setting foot in England till he died. You have to protect the future royals if he does not then it will haunt him forever. Be a grandfather you let the witch come back it would not be good for your family.

  2. I am happy Harry is banished, but why did he have to bring Andrew into it, it is always two with him…Has to hate at least one bother. Tired of the royals since Charles plays boss, They all should turn on him and talk to him, He might want the monarchy to fall around his ears, so why should anyone else care, It's one day nice next day misery steps back in, If I was the Royals I would leave them for good.!

  3. I will believe it when I see it. All I know by now is that YouTube (just as many other internet channels) is a mixture of perfect truths, half–truths (lies–like monsters) and TOTAL LIES. It is a perfect brainwashing powder. And it makes money, tons of money "courtesy" of millions not too bright viewers whose numbers grow exponentially .—That does not happen if you give people a clean, obvious truth or lie –A VERIFIABLE FACT which is hard to comment on or even understand when you are not educated enough. So , let's wait and see. TIME will tell. Time uncovers all lies and truths alike.

  4. I'm glad Harry and Meghan got out of the Royal Family. They were miserable. Harry loved Meghan enough not to let the paparazzi drive her crazy and he got her out because he didn't want Meghan to end up like his mom, and you never know what the Royal Family will do. Charles had a hand in killing Diana. He wanted her out of the picture to not always be there to look after the boys and to remind him of his guilt of having an affait and divorcing her. Whatever Diana was murdered, it was staged as an accident. Again, I am glad Harry and Meghan got out. Too many things go on in the Royal Family that would absolutely blow your mind if we all knew, and I would not want to be a part of it. And the audacity of Charles saying to Diana and the boys…well, you got me an heir and a spare!!! Sickening!!!
    And Harry could care less. He'd rather have a true loving family and be with his children than be treated like some "thing" that people are always barking orders at. I could not bear to live the way the Royals do. It's a very sad and boring life and you can't raise your own children…nannies do that for you. I'm so glad Harry and Meghan got out of there!!!

  5. The fact is that the offensive Markles are only "threatened" with the loss of titles, which keep feeding their publicity.
    Firm, immediate action is needed to protect the monarchy. Stripping titles and rescinding passports to return to the UK will put an end to H's sense of entitlement. What H has written is purposely destructive to family and UK. His demand for apology is hybris.

  6. It doesn't take a genius to draw the line. If Charles is that weak I think he should let prince Ann do it for him. As I hear and Harry himself claiming that he is not Charles son, why the hell should he have any part of RF. Kick him out. If and when he comes to senses Ann will decide how to handle him. At no time should that evil woman Megan be permitted to return. She is a zebra. You don't know when she will strip the stripes to suit her need. She claimed to be a white woman until marrying Harry. To mint money and to manipulate the RF by concocting a race card She became black to flee to America and still hold her title and milk money from RF and write stories and make movies on false narratives. She is dangerous. Do not allow her anywhere near the grounds of Buckingham palace.

  7. The King needs to show decisive decisions over the Harkles and Andrew. MM has been a nightmare from the Kings 70th birthday garden party behaviour and since. The Harkles wanted out of Royal duties. So the King needs to up hold his Mother, the Queen's decision. That Harkles are no longer Senior Royals. No longer a part of Royal occassions, including the Coronation.

    Frankly MM can't be trusted at all. The King needs to show he has a backbone. Strip all Titles from Harkles as well as denying them entry into the country from now and until after the completion of the Coronation and all Coronation Celebrations are concluded.

    Yes Andrew is an embarrassment and has been for some time now, long before the rape allegations. Andrew was entertaining Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell inside the Palace prior to Epstein's death. Maxwell had security clearance put in place by Andrew, that Maxwell wasn't required to be stopped when entering the Palace at any time. All the time Andrew has claimed that he no close relationship with either of the two people. it wouldn't be out of order for the King to cease all contact with Andrew if that's his wish. I certainly doubt Andrew is a risk at the Coronation, whereas the Harkles definitely are.

    As an abundance of tolerance has been shown towards MM since first entering the Royal Family, yet she has continued to show nothing but a conceited attitude to all Royals and all Royal protocols. Even the public don't want the couple to continue having Titles or invitations to the Coronation. I personally feel the Palace should be putting in place a complete media blackout on the Harkles, to broadcasting anything at all, to do with the coming Coronation and the Coronation Celebrations weekend.

    It's not only the UK and USA who have had a gutful of the Harkles, but the world. Enough is enough. They have no self control over what they do or say. So it's time for them to be disciplined by a world blackout on the Sussex couple that has anything at all to do with the Coronation.

    If Charles finds he is unable to do this too his son Harry and Harry's wife, then Charles has no right to being King in my book.


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