The Division 2 News Update – New Search & Rescue Target – XP Farming, Weapon Talents, & Known Issues

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25 thoughts on “The Division 2 News Update – New Search & Rescue Target – XP Farming, Weapon Talents, & Known Issues”

  1. I've been using sniper builds since division 1; and I have to say the determined talent being the way it is currently is mildly annoying. Removes all of the skill of being able to make head shots consistently and kind of makes me feel like the fact that I'm actually good at doing so is no longer important. I know, it's kind of a "Now I Don't Feel Special" snowflake kind of thing. But *shrug*, that's just the way it makes me feel.
    I'm not going to campaign for them to change it or anything, especially if other people are more than happy for it to be the way it is; I wouldn't want to ruin anyone else's fun.
    This is just where I fall personally on the issue.
    Have a great day 🙂

  2. There's been a lot of bug this week. My game keeps crashing every session. I managed to squeeze out a non-crashing session yesterday to finish up my Hollywood rewards.
    Also. I would like to say that there is a chance that you can get a Ninjabike backpack from exotic cache. Got mine wasting all of my stars. Wish I could post to prove it, but I am shallow
    when it comes to social media.
    Finished off the apparel event too. Can't wait for the next rescue target. Hopefully she'll provide more help to the Castle Settlement and unlock something new.

  3. I like the Descent Mode but won't be playing it much unless they make it where you can save your progress. Normal people don't have 6 to 8 hours or more to play a game all at once. They also need to work on Black Tusk. When they spawn it's game over if I am stuck in a small room with nowhere to run or hide. Chungas, remote drone bombers, grenade launcher dude, shotgun runners etc all at once is just too much! Anyone got tips on the build or how to play them? I got to loop 20 solo as my best run so far

  4. I am pretty bored of the game myself, not much to do besides xp farming just to get watch level higher, and for what..? Most of my friends stopped playing also and moving onto other games. I been watching movies myself.

  5. Let’s be honest we should not anticipate that season timer to be accurate at all. I have yet to experience a smooth launch with any of the Division 2’s content. It’s either delayed,bugged, or glitchy. Just trying to keep expectations real. 😂

  6. I dont think they even know how determined is supposed to work….
    From my timeline… Determined was introduced being able to proc the talent again when you get a body shot kill with the perk active. Then it got nerfed to not do this. Then now the nerf got reversed, but the text remained the same and they confirmed that; alongside that there was a report that (as far as I understood) a bodyshot kill without the perk active allowed you to proc the perk.

    So… as far as I know… it is working as they said it should… but what do I know, if they nerf it, I hope I get a striker/hearthbreaker gear set ready for heroic content by the time they do it, and we can all forget about the perk, hotshot and all the jazz until they make up their minds

  7. Taking a risk here of saying something stupid, but it seems, to me, that the enemies in countdown are a lot beefier on heroic difficulty then in story missions. Is this correct?

  8. They did nerf determined last title update. Then we all complained because the talent was best as it was before the nerf. So they returned it back to the way it should be. Chaining body shots isn’t bad. It’s fun. Still not viable against players so it’s hurting no one.

  9. Determined needs to stay as is. It's completely useless otherwise. Maybe it's overpowered in pvp, i don't play there. But that could also just be something that needs to be disabled in pvp. Separate pve and pvp rules…

  10. Anybody looking to get fast cache keys play on heroic if you can with all directives except ammo hoarders i dont use it youll get 1 level for every cp or 450k xp for public exc

  11. Hey 👋🏻 NEED HELP! Love your videos. Need advice on an issue please. My character is level 356 and I play up to 8 hours a day sometimes. I haven’t had an exotic loot drop in 3 weeks. Could there be a character glitch and should I start a new character? Any advice is welcome and thank you in advance.


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