The Disturbing CIA Iceberg – Part 2

The CIA certainty has committed their share of naughty no-nos over the years, this iceberg contains basically all of them…that they allow us to know about

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40 thoughts on “The Disturbing CIA Iceberg – Part 2”

  1. RFK Jr believing it kinda makes me believe it less. That asshole is pretty much directly responsible for the whole 'Vaccines cause Autism' thing getting traction. Dude did a press junket spreading that in the early 2000's.

  2. I was really enjoying these videos until you came out in and admitted you we're leftists. I was trying to ignore the left side spinner the videos and just enjoy the comedic content for what it was and everyone likes bashing on the CIA. However I can't give attention to the enemy so thanks for the entertainment while it lasted

  3. Keep at it man! I love your videos.
    Im a sucker for history content. Maybe uploading more shorts like you do tiktok will help bring curious people tp your channel. Thats how i find a lot of creators other than tiktok when the yt algorithm fails me. I love history content like this

  4. Oh wow mkultra thats more info i found when reading, doesn't help they burned so many records
    Some of the files they surrendered around the same time were interesting. There were probably 3 files alone on electric eels and what sounded like a prototype taser
    AH okay I found the place I found it
    There's a wealth of just weird snippets they were looking into
    Look up the black vault cia-mkultra-collection
    One file just named electric fishes
    There's everything from actual research to receipts and request forms
    Lot of photocopies to rifle through but man I went down a rabbit hole when I found out about mk ultra

  5. 29:10 last name is pronounced “dull-ess” like the DC airport named after him. His brother, father, and uncle were all Secretary of State at one time, and while Allen was head of “covert” intelligence and foreign policy as CIA head, his brother John Foster was sec. of state, head of “overt” foreign intelligence and policy. Only time that’s ever happened…not to mention the Dulles boys practically being raised by Prescott Bush (father of GHW Bush and Grandfather to GW) during the summers, and GHW Bush being in Dallas the night before and morning of the assassination, just to name a little more 🤷‍♂️

  6. In Germany BEFORE the Nazis ran up to full power, you could by meth over the counter, it was called Pervitan, soldiers were writing home for it before the Army just started handing it out. Eisenhower sent 500 MILLION Benedrine tablets to north Africa, and the Brits were having their own fun with it. NO ONE from WW II was 'clean', not only was it NOT a 'new' War, it was Act II of WW I. When I found all this out, all those guys who would joke "The best years of my life was when I was in WW II." Hahahahahaahaha. Factor in the now, very easy to find, confirmation that pretty much the Germans, the UK and the US troops were completely gonzo and out flying P-51s, and Stuka Bombers and I now think, 'Dude, I actually now DO BELIEVE you had your best years in WW II, and I know why!'. Great book on the German side of things: "Blitzed: Drags In NAZI Germany" by Norman Ohlers. I was a history minor, focused on Military History, and comparative mythology (and National Socialism is deeply tangled up in what's called 'German Romanticism' and the power of ensued victory in sacred Christian and Teutonic artifacts — no, really they BELIEVED this, go find out about Wewelsburg Castle, it's NUTS, just and Indiana Jones.) I'm a voracious history reader, (there are Conspiracy Theories that I DO find "It actually happened? I'm not a bit surprised.) and I really recommend this very well-written book. (Sorry, all happened before the OSS became the CIA.) But yeah, WW II was largely ALL completely trippin' balls.

  7. Solidarity was not anticommunist they advocated for socialism without russians but CIA destroyed IT and made it a pathetic pro capitalist movement witch destroyed mine country


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