The Cut Content Of Resident Evil 5

In this video I cover all of the scrapped content of resident evil 5 that didn’t make it into the original game.

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42 thoughts on “The Cut Content Of Resident Evil 5”

  1. I can see remake this by putting everything cut here removed some of the thing our playable version can be a good idea to make thing work

    btw pls remove infinity system and op weapon also only allow game start by hard mode to pro mode no more easy normal mode as a thing to chosen, do not allow they spam op weapon and say game too action not horror, using infinity and saying game too action complaing not horror is pretty funny to watch, better make enemy fast and thicc as remake 2 made them hard to kill

    I had see too many player there never have a ball to start hard or pro mode without infinite also with limited ammo mode still have idiot that keep spaming all the ammo never save up ammo play carefully and plan step by step keep asked second player give them ammo this is suck play style like this no matter how many ammo i have in my invtory will still not enough for you to use u noob

  2. The thought of a re5 remake sounded ridiculous to me but if they go back to the beta version wich looks so much better and cut the co op and over the top action and add more horror elements it could actually be pretty good

  3. Chris was supposed to be an ordinary civilian who accidentally falls in a stimulation that lead him to tragic events and tries to explore , solve puzzles to survive. What a shame Capcom ! I hope they correct their mistakes in the next RE5 Remake

  4. would be cool to see something like the syrian desert mission in battlefield 1 where you attack 3 camps and can either go quiet or sabotaging tanks and shooting it out with armored enemies. the whole ambiance of that night in the desert with the middle eastern sounding flute and birds felt like something a whole game should revolve around, spooky ruins, mercenary treasure hunters, mummy zombies trying to stab you. id be down for a middle eastern horror game where the source of BOW is tombs and lost cities. Like clive barkers jerhico but RE style.

  5. Damn soo much content was changed. I think they are remaking RE5 99% and I am very fine with smaller changes to the story but I wish very much that they make a game out of all this scrapped content. Like, they could make RE:alternativr universe with RE4 game based on beta concept of Leon in a haunted mansion and RE5 game with all this scrapped content

  6. Change some of these and make them more horror, leave in Sheva kidnapping and make it a Chris looking for her chapter but towards the end have us play as sheva and she escapes herself and saves Chris’ life (to show that she can handle herself and help chris. And bc Chris is too invincible and has too much body armor). Update the whole original I’m general to make it more horror. Fix the original re5 story and make it better to fit with a darker/ scarier tone (it’s possible especially the beginning with the beheading part). Fix the AI and update character models. Also add zombies as an enemy as well as keeping all the original ones. With all of this in my mind put together it has potential to even be better than Re4 original and remake. Saying it may be better is a stretch bc re5 is something. But a modern update of Re5 with better gameplay, a more solid story, and make the game scary, another thing is keep in Co-op just improve on it. And since the original was kinda a shooter game change difficulties so that not only is the whole game in general scary but you can choose whesther you want a survival horror playthrough with limited ammo and supplies, or a more action shooter with some horror segments thrown in.

  7. Most of the cut content or new stuff such as merchant, typewriter, safe haven, boat mission, night mission, zombies, merchant and Barry Burton should be in a possible RE5make. And Billy Coen should be mentioned and referenced by Sheva Alomar.

  8. Well, you know that RE5 was considered racist? hahahhaha

    In the early stages of RE5, when the first trailer appeared in 2007, the critics and the journalists were calling the game racist because a white man was slaugering black people, so capcom did changed the original story and they put Sheva as his partner, because now its not just a white man killing blacks, now also a black woman was killing blacks, thats why also the chapter of Jill had Josh , a black man, as his partner, even though josh was never intented to be his partner

  9. Barry being cut from the story of RE5 is the biggest gripe of this entire game. Since he to along with Chris and Jill have beef with Wesker since the original game for betraying S.T.A.R.S. and threatening his family. So he to should've been there with Chris and Jill to finally put Wesker down once and for all.


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