The top 10 best pandemic movies

A fascination with pandemic-themed films is spreading…
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Total Film
A fascination with pandemic-themed films is spreading, Who would have thought, when we clocked in for 2020, that we’d be warmly encouraged to work from home, covetously stockpiling pasta and jarred pickles, and getting snippy with strangers over the last roll of toilet tissue? Or indeed that…
Contagion (2011), Every cloud has a silver lining it seems. Steven Soderbergh’s medical thriller Contagion, released in 2011, raced back up the iTunes charts to take a Top Ten position back in March, helped no doubt by the film’s parallels with the outbreak of coronavirus. This fast-paced…
The Crazies (1973), Five years after George A. Romero’s seminal Night of the Living Dead, he gave us another film about human contagion – The Crazies. When a military plane carrying an untested bio-weapon crashes in the hills of a nearby American town, their water supply becomes contaminated…
Outbreak (1995), Outbreak gave monkeys a bad name way before the rage-plagued primate in 28 Days Later. Opening in Zaire, Africa, a fictional disease called Motaba spreads to California after an infected capuchin monkey is smuggled into the country. The disease develops into a strain of…
Twelve Monkeys (1995), Did someone know something we didn’t? There were two monkey-related pandemic flicks in 1995, this one from Terry Gilliam. Twelve Monkeys is a dystopian sci-fi fantasy set in post-apocalyptic Philadelphia in 2035. As most of humanity was wiped out by a virus in 1996, Earth’s…
Last Man on Earth (1964), Richard Matheson’s 1954 novel I Am Legend has spawned three adaptations. Last Man on Earth was the first in 1964 – starring horror legend Vincent Price – followed by The Omega Man in 1971 and the titular Will Smith blockbuster in 2007. The 1964 version is arguably the…
It Comes at Night (2017), Another gem from production company A24 (Hereditary, The Witch) this horror-thriller is full of slow-burn dread. In the aftermath of a planetary contagion, a lone family exist deep in the woods until a handful of survivors cross their paths – father Will, mother Kim, and…
The Host (2006), Before Bong Joon-ho made history in 2020 – becoming the first South Korean to win an Academy Award with Parasite (2019) – he made this monster-movie with a little socio-political bite. Like The Crazies, the film shows mankind sow its own destruction when an American pathologist…
28 Weeks Later (2007), Those infamous scenes of Cillian Murphy walking through an abandoned London in 28 Days Later (2002) seem eerily prophetic in the wake of coronavirus. The 2007 sequel however begins after the outbreak of the rage virus, with the infected dying of hunger and NATO instigating…
Day of the Dead (1985), Although less well regarded than Romero’s first two entries in The Dead series, Day of the Dead aptly captures the sense that, in a world where zombies outnumber humans 400,000 to 1, there’s nowhere left to run. The encroaching zombie horde largely takes a backseat to the…
Zombieland (2009), Ending on a lighter note, and proving pandemics aren’t all doom and gloom, we have Zombieland, a Zom-Com in the same vein as Shaun of the Dead. Starring Jesse Eisenberg as Columbus and Woody Harrelson as Tallahassee, they’re two mismatched survivors: one has an extensive set of…


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