The Crimson Fleet – Not As Evil As You Thought? | Starfield Faction Deepdive Ep #1

In todays video we dive deep into Starfields pirate faction: The Crimson Fleet.

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23 thoughts on “The Crimson Fleet – Not As Evil As You Thought? | Starfield Faction Deepdive Ep #1”

  1. Amazing how you manage to keep pumping out Starfield videos in this Starfield news drought. With this kind of work ethic, when the game finally launches your channel will go supernova!

  2. While I'm sure that there are the occasional pirate or bandit that spawns from a desire to rob and steal, throughout history they were originally soldiers and sailors in major navies that decided not to lay down their arms at the end of a conflict. Every now and then there would be a nation state (barbary pirates for example) that employed and supported pirates. I could see every pirate having a unique story, and of course no one is ever the villain in their own story.

  3. Great video as always! I'll join the crimson fleet on my first playthrough. And see what they are all about with my own eyes. Also they must definitely have the coolest cosmetics in the game xD

  4. I like your theory that the Crimson fleet are betrayed and diss owned of the colony wars. Its often the way in wartime those that are at home in conflict are welcome when the shit hits the fan but no one wants them around afterwards. Makes me think on Heinlein's Star shop Troopers where the returning veterans basically kicked out the politicians who started the war and took over. Another great vid by the way.

  5. The idea that they were Privateers that were left holding the bag by one of the major factions would be interesting to explore.

    They would be like an "insurgency" too small for conventional capital ships to take on. Even in the Expanse the Donnager had some success with the Belter Pirates in the Jovian system but couldn't get all of them.

  6. As Varric Tethras once put it 'I like stories where the villains were at the hero's side the whole time. The best villains don't consider themselves evil, they think they are their own hero's, fighting for a good cause, willing to get their hands dirty.' Or in translation: anti-heros that do heroics in a fanatical way. I hear about the house of varuun and think they are the real villains.

  7. Have always thought maybe they have the right idea of what they're fighting for but their execution and how they handle things is what got them to being what they are today, or maybe it's just psychos banding together

  8. I love how in this game it takes place AFTER the war instead of during. The start of our story is after the end of another. Doing this brings so much more oppertunity for worlds depth.

    This game will be like playing skyrim for the first time and im so hyped. I really hope each faction questlines, B stories and major side quests have the same depth and quality as the mainline story.


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