The Cosmic Apocalypse Is Coming | The Universe (S2, E18) | Full Episode

The Universe as we know it is condemned to death.


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44 thoughts on “The Cosmic Apocalypse Is Coming | The Universe (S2, E18) | Full Episode”

  1. Mr. Johnson, what or why do you think that the Milky Way is the Center of the/our Universe?
    You are only guessing at best. Your "prediction" is seen in a Crystal Ball?
    You won't even be a footnote in history. You and your colleagues are Guessing. You must be very afraid of something no one has any control of. And don't say it's "Gods ' plan, everything out there is uncontrollable.

  2. If we don't fix what's wrong with our corrupt governments we won't need to worry about it. Because we will destroy ourselves way before any of it will happen.. So who cares..

  3. The big bang is a theory you can't look into the past or the future so you cant know. And, you can't prove or disprove the THEORY. The Bible is the only history book we can trust. Since we can't trust what man says. Or women, or scientists. Especially not Fauci¡!¡

  4. I love how that guy says Christian theory. Considering prophets spoke about Jesus before he came in the world shows these guys are only theorists without any knowledge on how the world will end. John saw the end and recorded it.

  5. Darker and darker and colder and colder, hmmmmmm…… Maybe because the big bang was false, theory to time relativity would prove it if the real scientific mathematicians could figure that part out, and honestly too, no cutting corners, no pun intended lol

  6. Black holes are a lot like zombies…the living dead. Our Z-theory says dark energy causing expansion in our universe is fed by a black hole in a different universe/dimension that spawned our universe via the big bang. As the parent universe black hole devours matter, that energy is converted and transferred to our universe in the form of expansion. It's an interdimensional power supply. It's quite simple for us zombies to understand and we are generally smarter than humans.

  7. By the way, that crazy guy and notorious gambler Dr. Sean Carroll is wrong about the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics. We zombies are not fooled by a theory that says the entire universe constantly duplicates itself like a cosmic Xerox machine caught in an infinite loop. Sorry, that is insane.

  8. I was scrolling while the very long ads were playing and I see is biblical comments,I thought this was a separate channel from the Church 🙄🤷‍♀️ 💤🤦🏻‍♀️🤭so I'm going to comment about gas and and black holes on a church channel and see if I get any likes

  9. The universe will not expand forever, it will re-collapse. These men are not sure what to believe in; there's the Big Crunch, the Big Rip, the Ice age, and the Dark age, etc., but unsure of the Apocalypse which is what Christians believe in. The universe we live in consist of bubbles, and each bubble operates in various amount of gravity, temperature, time, and energy. In space there's nothing there but complete darkness with little to no gravity, because the universe has been expanding forever just like our ocean.

  10. Speaking thermo dynamics…. If you look at all the NASA photos of space, you might notice the bubbles… It's the bubbles of space to look at because as traveling the bubbles have temperature differences , friction sharing or gobbling… So as I see it science could create the problem. LOL

  11. Jesus is coming soon be ready 💝 Repent and believe the Gospel ❤️ If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe your heart God raised him from the dead u will be saved

  12. Theorizing that we make it to some trillion AD… Like theorized near the start in this video… Wouldn't Human kind along with or without alien kinda if we've lasted THAT long be able to do all sorts of scifi things to stop, change an even reverse such things?? Or is science an History studies not supposed to evolve an will stagnant a few trillion times as well??? We can harness, in theory, our sun an other star's energy BUT there's no way to keep them going or even creat in a way new ones to "replace" or "refuel" them??? But hey- time travel, Warp/Light speed, teleporters, an Lightsabers… Excitement???

    ALSO occurs to me… COULD.. perhaps… A "degenerate Era" be what was the case an going on when the "Big Bang" as we know it kick started the Creation Universe as we know and live it least to our current understanding of it


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