The Cornwall Owl Man Monster

The spine-chilling encounter of two young girls with the terrifying Owlman, a winged humanoid, in a spooky churchyard. As the twilight gathered, a monstrous figure emerged above the church tower, blending man and beast in a grotesque form. Cloaked in dark, shaggy feathers, the Owlman’s enormous, glowing red eyes pierced the darkness, fixing on the terrified girls with an almost hypnotic intensity.

(Watch the related: Hythe Mothman Video here)

June and Vicky stood rooted to the spot, their breath catching in their throats. The Owlman’s wings unfurled with a terrifying grace, casting a shadow that swallowed the entire churchyard. With a head resembling a giant owl but exuding a twisted, human malevolence, it seemed to study them.

For a moment, time stood still, and the air was thick with palpable fear. The Owlman then let out a bone-chilling screech and launched itself into the air, its powerful wings sending dust and leaves swirling around the petrified girls. As it soared into the encroaching darkness, they were left with only their ragged breaths and the distant echo of its unearthly cry.

If you’re fascinated by real-life supernatural encounters, unexplained phenomena, or eerie stories, this video about the Owlman is for you. Listen to this harrowing experience and delve into the mystery of the winged humanoid known as the Owlman. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more gripping tales of the unknown.


16 thoughts on “The Cornwall Owl Man Monster”

  1. Very expressive reading, good historic tale. 💜 I created a puppet version of Mothman for a TV film sequence, viewable on my fb at Rodd Matsui, and I recently created a commentary track for the “Doomed Megalopolis 2: The Last War” Blu Ray, which touches on various paranormal topics, including some talk about Tibetan tulpas and homonculi. Wonderful video. 💜

  2. A tulpa? First I've heard of these, but I've often thought that a lot of cryptids might be what's described here, a manifestation of people's beliefs.The michigan dogman is a good example, a creature that appeared after a song brought it to the public consciousness.

  3. I’m glad you brought it up because as I was listening I was thinking this sounds a lot like the original Mothman sightings.

    I’ve also always found that name, the Mothman, rather odd because the stories described a bird like creature, not a moth.

  4. Great video! Just one humorous thing I need to point out. Lake Michigan is pronounced “Mishigan”. You’ve probably heard the word before, it’s also the name of another state which is near Chicago.


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