The Callisto Protocol Review

The Callisto Protocol reviewed by Tristan Ogilvie on PlayStation 5. Also available on PlayStation 4, Xbox, and PC.

“The Callisto Protocol is a supremely atmospheric and action-heavy tour through a spectacular slaughterhouse set in distant space. Its largely linear design makes for minimal backtracking, meaning it trims the fat while leaving no shortage of bone and gristle to rip and tear. However, it also betrays its survival horror roots by regularly tipping the balance of power too far in favour of the player, and while there’s plenty of murderous fun to be had using giant grinding mechanisms to make mulch out of mutants, such cheap thrills come at the high cost of puncturing any tension and dread that the tremendous art and audio design work so hard to invoke. Aside from the meaty melee combat, there’s also the overriding sense that there’s not a lot here that hasn’t been done before – and there’s disappointingly little to do once you’ve beaten the campaign. Thus The Callisto Protocol is a satisfyingly gory spiritual successor to the Dead Space series, but it’s ultimately more of a striking modern mimic than a scary new mutation.”


24 thoughts on “The Callisto Protocol Review”

  1. Critics are incredibly harsh because Stricking Distance is its own studio now not owned by EA. Their debut game is not supposed to be this impressive. It is true that the dodge mechanic feels like a mini game, and the quick shot. But with a little bit of tweaking and polishing they would've something incredible. Critics are not critics anymore guys. Play the games by yourself or watch others youtubers play them to help you decide the buy. Im so pumped for what they do next.

  2. Regardless of his actual thoughts on the game, can we just appreciate how poetically this review was written? These wordplays and alliterations are unreasonably impressive for a game review.

  3. absolutely nothing new in gameplay development… graphics, level design and sound yes!! but the gameplay?! maybe 10 years ago it would have been ok, but a game that focuses on action to such an extent in 2022 needs to do a lot more

  4. Hot take: Striking Distance at least trying to do something different, EA pooping out a polished remake of the original Dead Space in a month. Hence, Striking Distance is better, EA can kiss mah butt.


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