The Butler's Game!! Hunter x Hunter Episode 24-25 Reaction

#hunterxhunter #reaction #anime

With the recap episodes over its time to jump into the unknown LETS GOO!!

Hunter x Hunter Episode 1-33 Is Up Over on The Patreon –


29 thoughts on “The Butler's Game!! Hunter x Hunter Episode 24-25 Reaction”

  1. How’s hunter x hunter Don so far? It’s one my favourite anime cuz it’s so consistent with pace and animation and the characters feel complex and I love how we see the personal lives of “villains” and the good/neutral characters.

  2. So many people go “what a cool dad” and “he’s really nice!” At this moment, forgetting he’s been in charge of Killua’s upbringing, involving constant torture.

  3. When you talked about stubbing your toe it reminded me of when I was like 17 years old. My mom had 2 couches set in a 90 degree angle but with space to walk between. I stood up to go to the kitchen to grab a drink and I stubbed my right toe against the couch and it hurt like hell. I grabbed a drink form the kitchen and walked back and then fucking stubbed the same toe against the other couch. My mom had to bring me to a doctor and not just the right most but the toe next to it were both purple for 3 days. Never experience pain ever again as when I stubbed my toe a second time.

  4. What Killua's Dad meant is more of a Nature vs Nurture kinda deal.

    He believes Killua will become a Assassin (And in a way that he would Kill his friends) because his blood is from a Generation of Assassins, he was born for that. Which would be his "Nature"

    In turn, Killua grows better as a person by being around his friends. Which would be his "Nurture"

  5. How far ahead is the patreon in terms of episodes because I wanna watch all the eps along with him again. I’ve already watched HxH like 4 times but seeing people’s reactions and appreciation for it is great


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