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Terminators are Space Marine Veterans who have earned the right to wear Tactical Dreadnought Armour, better known as Terminator Armour. They are their Chapter’s greatest infantry assets, each essentially serving as a walking tank.

Tactical Dreadnought Armour combines the technological developments of power armour with the sealed environmental suits designed for starship crews that work in highly unstable or corrosive environments such as inside the high pressure casings of Plasma Reactor shields. It can even withstand the colossal impact of high speed orbital micro debris.

Terminators are always members of the elite 1st Company of a Codex Astartes-compliant Space Marine Chapter.

All suits of Terminator Armour have built-in teleportation devices which allow them to deploy anywhere on a planetary surface via a so-called “deep strike,” although more often they are deployed using Land Raiders. Terminator Squads consist of a Terminator sergeant and between 4 and 9 Terminators.


41 thoughts on “TERMINATORS: WHERE THEY STAND, NONE SHALL PASS | Warhammer 40k Lore feat @Kirioth”

  1. I would like to imagine the suits initially crafted, or modified after the Emperor's defeat of Horus were the only ones to realistically have this peice. But an ammount great enough was created in such a way it got tied to their history.

  2. Kirioth, is Ceramite is made from adamantine with ceramic plates that means that ceramite is minimum as strong as adamantine with ceramic layered on top. So ceramite is stronger because ceramite is just ceramic reinforced adamantine.

  3. Quick shout-out to the awesome lot of you that toss the many awesome and random facts of each episodes below the already interesting/amusing episode. Given I know so little about Warhammer 40k and its deeper lore, this helps make each episode/character/faction/etc stand out that much more. tips hat

  4. What I find interesting about the deathshroud terminators from the death guard is that the 40k nurgled termies use cataphractii, and the forge world termies use tartaros. Which threw me off because death guard really love their cataphractii, and the tartaros armor does look up-armored.

  5. I love how the original OG Rogue Trader era Terminators first came out in three designs, and two of them are just known by names they were never officially given. The Saturnine and Cobra.

    The third guy never got a nickname. I just call him Steve.

  6. Terminators seem like panzer tanks from WW2. Super armored and massive firepower but can’t maneuver and regular power armor are like Sherman tanks. Not a heavily armored or armed with heavy weapons but much faster and can maneuver much better. One on one a terminator wins but imagine against a squad of power armored marines they just run circles around and wear it down. Also think cataphract is a good name as historically cataphracts were heavily lamellae armored cavalry. Basically the most armored troops before knights became a thing. Also think centurion armor would look better if the helmet matched the size of the rest of the armor. Kinda looks like a prairie dog sticking it’s head out of the ground.

  7. 1:08:35 Its public domain they totally cood; Einjerjar are character from Norse Mythology, those chosen by the Valkyries as the honorable dead to feast and battle in Valhalla until Ragnarök, when they shall join the gods in the final battle.

    Record of Ragnarök's lore for the characters is very different from the mythology lol

  8. If you let the exhaust gases vent through the back of a missile launcher, then it is indeed recoilless. Otherwise it'll have a bit of recoil but probably not that much because the projectile leaves the barrel at low velocity and accelerates gradually after
    Also being stepped on by a Titan doesn't sound that bad. When you think about it, the entire titan (or 90% of it) is continually stepping on its knees which on some models are ridiculously tiny. So either titans are made of thin paper and therefore very light, or there is a super strong material that can support their entire massive weight on a ridiculously thin section.

  9. So, AdRic Team, question, has DK already reacted commented about the Astartes Project by Syama Pedersen? just wondering, I just recently watched all 5 right before listening to the new episode and I can't seem to recall the mention of it, idk I think it would be cool to know what you think and specially DK's reaction to it 😛 keep up the good work guys love ya!


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