TenBob's Mail Time – Jacques Cousteau 50p

TenBob’s Mail Time – Jacques Cousteau 50p
A Diamond finish 50p from Pobjoy Mint
25th Anniversary of the Death of Jacques Cousteau
1966 – 1976 Hosted “The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau”.
1977 – 1982 “The Cousteau Odyssey”

A French Naval Officer, Ecceanographer, Film Maker, Author and Co-Inventor of Aqua Lung SCUBA = Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.

Thank you for watching 💜


10 thoughts on “TenBob's Mail Time – Jacques Cousteau 50p”

  1. Hi Tenbob,yes I do remember watching them underwater programs,with great interest,lovely coin and also the details you gave us,thanks for sharing,keep them coming,maybe in waves,☑️👍

  2. I do remember Jacques Cousteau TenBob 😊. My parents loved documentaries so we spent many a time watching them as a family . He was one of my Dad's particular favourites to watch. I love the design on the 50p, that is a really lovely coin 😍💜.


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