How These Southern Tyrants Got This First Amendment Auditor On the NEWS!

Brief Summary: Honor Your Oath’s rights were violated by different tyrants from Waveland and Ocean Springs, Mississippi.


32 thoughts on “How These Southern Tyrants Got This First Amendment Auditor On the NEWS!”

  1. Politicians in Mississippi is trying to bring back jim Crowe laws and this is 2023 and we are still dealing with these slave catchers enough is enough we the people needs to come together and rise up against this tyranny

  2. All the phone calls, language used was caused by YOU And YOUR Dumb Arse police officers. You can't train the untrainable. The World is Watching CrankyGranny Western Australia

  3. You know nothing Wilder. Government owned property is owned by "The People" who pay taxes. Therefore it is PUBLIC and we have a Constitutional right to be on it. Supreme Court agrees that anywhere the public is allowed to be you're allowed to film "anything your eyes can see from that public place." You cannot trespass the eyes. You sir are an ignorant hillbilly and you have just made a complete fool of yourself to all of America. Congratulations now go and get a job that doesn't require any thought. Maybe muck out the pig pen.

  4. About as unconfrontational as any 1st ammendment auditor ever was, just look how he was spoken to and treated by these heavy handed thugs,its disgraceful,and sadly their superiors don't see it,or worse they see it and just don't care,thats probably because its just business as usual for them.

  5. Two things he should've done. First give the uniformed thug what he wants. Second RUN the fuck out of MS. These moronic billy-bob cops are the worst kind of tyrants. I've routed road trips to completely avoid this shit hole of a state.

  6. Call flooded because uneducated/unlawful/unprofessional cops. This is just awesome. Exactly what you said, don't give the people a reason. Think this Police department learned anything?

  7. Whelp here's few more end of watch stories I'd absolutely love to read. It's because of garbage bags like this that I would never ever render aid to a police officer even if it's life depended on it.

  8. Y'all are embarrassing AF go be men n get a job n do something productive n useful in ur life instead of being a loser with a cellphone or camera with video πŸ˜‚ ur family Thts all I'm gna say πŸ˜‚

  9. The one officer proclaimed he is on disability due to military so he is getting PAID for disability. How can someone be disabled and receive $$$ for it but yet pass all LEO physical and metntal requirements.

  10. The 1st cop assumes that if a person is suspected or a false or true allegation of a crime against the citizen is file it's automatically OK to treat. That suspect as a piece of s*** no rights for you….. You such a bootlegger. He assumes that if the mayor or anybody in government administration will not lie about a person and it's here say

  11. Fuck Geoff If you dont want to be arrested or go to jail stay home and burn your sign
    We already know cops violate rights all the time we want to see those brave people take the fight to them by having the held accountable and having them fired.
    What the fuck is going on police were backing off for a short time there but now they don't give a fuck who's rights they violate because to me it looks like not enough people are challenging them taking them to court suing them
    I know court cases and lawsuits take time and cost lots of money but the chances are you'll get far more back that you lost after you win the lawsuit so what's the point are you out there to show the corruption & change the system or just to show the corruption and have your rights kicked all round the sidewalk because you have changed nothing and educated no officers today you have let these corrupt cops off to go violate more citizens rights it's not that you dont know the law it's how you explain it to cops every time you come across with the knowledge of a lawyer and the authority of a judge your left alone it's always hot and cold with you.

  12. People shouldn't give a fuck if their rights have only been violated a little they should fight every violation of their god given rights, jam up the court system with lawsuits no matter how trivial your rights were violated.
    It pisses me off when people go out there saying their going to educate law enforcement hold them accountable, change the system ,have officers fired, take their houses, boats and cars file complaints and sue them but we only see a very very small % of those people that have the balls the funds and the resources to follow through and do what their out there to do.
    Its my opinion if your not prepared to go all the way what's the fucking point we all know this shit is happening out there but we want to see those holding these pricks accountable


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