Coop Story Mode Re-beginning – Green Hell with Blackshadow

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14 thoughts on “Coop Story Mode Re-beginning – Green Hell with Blackshadow”

  1. you really shoulda done the tutorial. As for whats populated or not….let's say I would not make assumptions. See the Storymode as a breadcrump trail you have to follow from start to finish though if you skip any reading …
    Why do you decide to do storymode if you skip the actual story? Mighta just stuck to survival then?
    Don't get me wrong, I love your content but in this particular case I can not quite follow your train of thought. You did fairly bad in survival mode because you skip Tutorial. Then you start storymode without doing it again.

  2. I'm about 43 minutes in and I find blackshadows lack of attention and lack of teamwork frustrating.

    It just feels like she is just following splitse around giggling and asking what's going on.

    Splitse asks a question and there is no response and often time the response has nothing to do with the question that was asked.

  3. For reference Splitsie: North Western American Maples will grow back from a stump… with a vengeance, sprouting multiple shoots per square inch. The zombies of the tree world, they are

  4. in Germany, pound cake is called 'Sandkuchen' (lit. trans.: sand cake). it's make of sugar, flour, butter, eggs, lemon zest, and often has an icing made from powdered sugar and warm water.

  5. Voicemeter Banana can be a nice thing to try with Shadow. Its kind of a digital virtual mixer. I use it constantly as I also use VST plugins(VSTHost ASIO) for Studio EQ referencing my headphones and adjusting for some hearingloss frequency dips.

    Also Palm trees, try cutting a few down, great for logs(3-4) and getting coconuts(even if they don't show in the leaf canopy). I usually get 1-2 coconuts from one palmtree. And they also grow back if you dont remove the trunk 🙂

    And also Peccary are GREAT food 🙂 Snails are a waste of time 😛Give to little for to much work and campfire wood.

    And also also, tribals are drawn by the burning campfires 🙂


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