Surrender & Vulnerability in the Creative Process with Harmony Nixon

An open and honest share with Harmony Nixon about her upcoming projects & creative process with surrender and vulnerability as a spiritual healer, poet, singer-songwriter, and creative mentor. “It’s okay to be human.”-a beautiful nugget of gold from this episode!

Harmony Nixon is an earth-based spiritual healer, poet, singer-songwriter, and creative mentor. Her passion is guiding people through their inner landscapes to find healing and alignment with their true selves. She has over a decade of experience and training with energy medicine from multiple healing traditions. She studied with The Four Winds Society and carries the wisdom of the medicine wheel. Harmony pours her stories of healing and her love of the natural world into her music and writing. Her first poetry book, Unlovable: Broken Pieces of Songs and Memories, was published in December 2019, and she is currently writing her second book. She is pursuing her bachelor’s in creative writing and English with a focus on non-fiction, as she is passionate about supporting others in sharing their transformational stories. She works with artists and creatives, helping them find their authentic voice so they can share it with the world. Harmony is also the host of the Seeking Wild Beauty Podcast where she talks about the healing journey, intuitive living, and creative empowerment.

Connect with her: ( , Instagram, YouTube, Threads @seekingwildbeauty 


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