Hyenas get horrible injured after lion's and wild dog's attacks#DiscoveryTheMystery

Hyenas get horrible injured after lion’s and wild dog’s attacks#DiscoveryTheMystery
A lion would win a lion vs hyena battle. Lions have the advantage in most important categories, including size, speed, and power. A solo hyena and lion would meet in open battle in the best case, or a lion would ambush the hyena in the worst case.
The fight would last less than a minute. Both creatures would engage each other and transform into a rolling mass of fur and muscle. The lion’s tremendous legs would pin the hyena while the lion jockeys for a position to land a death blow.
Eventually, the lion will bite the hyena in a vital area, killing it. This is how the fights pan out in real life. A hyena has a stronger bite, but it’s not large enough to bite around a large lion’s throat or head. Killing a lion would then be a matter of outlasting the larger, stronger creature, and that is simply not going to happen.
Hyenas sometimes can win lions but generally that’s when a large group of hyenas manages to isolate a single lion that’s normally injured or elderly. For example, hyenas will sometimes attack isolated male lions that at a disadvantage.
However, when it comes to a one on one battle, the lion wins and the hyena becomes a meal. In the wild, a single lion has fought off multiple hyenas at a time using its power and ability to instill fear in the other animal!

The fight between a lion and a hyena is far from one-sided.
The jaws of hyenas are quite strong, and they are perfectly capable of killing a lion and breaking its bones.
Even a victorious lion will have sustained acute injuries during any duel between these two rivals.
A single mistake by the lion can spell the end of everything for him. And if a young, strong hyena faces an injured, old, or very young lion, it will probably win.
The hyenas increase their chances of success by attacking in groups.
For example, the hyenas swarm around the lion in a group and rip it apart by attacking from multiple directions.
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#lion #crocodile
#lionfight #crocodiles


26 thoughts on “Hyenas get horrible injured after lion's and wild dog's attacks#DiscoveryTheMystery”

  1. Great documentary, top quality throughout. Gets right into the heart of matters and shows great guts in portraying the much maligned hyena as a good and clever little doggie. Hyenas are worthy of our respect and deserve lionizing.

  2. 猫が獲物じゃれるように、ハイエナをすぐに殺さず遊んでいる。ライオンは誇らしげな顔して可愛いのだが、ハイエナの苦しそうな顔を見ると胸が痛くなる。野生動物の異なる種の間では互いを理解しあうことなどあり得ない断絶があり、それが自然の掟ならば、この世界がなんとも救われない筈だと思われて、なんだか虚しくなる。

  3. 鬣狗應該叫草原一哥,除雄獅之外,連母獅,犀牛,豹,狼都不怕,還仗<數>欺人,即使被殺,也沒有動物吃他的肉,而他們是無所不吃,包括腐肉,看到勢頭不對就逃跑,看到敵人落單或孱弱就仗勢欺人,真是令人討厭的動物。

  4. Лев царь зверей. Безусловно его внешние данные впечатляют. Но все же его главный козырь это агрессия и бесстрашие. Лев не боится получать раны и поэтому в драке выкладывается на полную. Он все равно мало охотится. Самки добывают еду в первую очередь для него.

  5. Always shoot as many hyenas a you can. Poison their meat. Lace their food with glass shards and barbed wire and fish hooks. You need to play really nasty to wipe out this vermin. No holds barred! White phosphorus turns them into burning hyena candles. Just destroy them at all and any cost!

  6. Hyna binatang berkelompok dan menyerang suka di belakang lawan.
    Hyna hewan rakus yg suka merebut buruan hewan lainya dan sangat jahat ketika memangsa buruan yg di makan hidup hidup.
    Dan hyna pun juga kanibal


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