SUPER METH: Tracking origins of super-powered meth as overdoses rise in Pennsylvania

“Chasing the dragon” is the term addicts use to describe seeking that next high. Authorities are seeing more and more of that with methamphetamine.

They fear this powerful and dangerous drug could lead to a new wave of addiction and a public health hazard.

In a country that is still recovering from an opioid crisis, law enforcers are starting to see the emergence of super-powered versions of meth. They believe 95% of it is produced in “super labs” in Mexico.

Dealers find the psychostimulant more profitable and easier to distribute. Users are getting a quicker, more robust high. And that potency is killing people.

“What we’re seeing is very pure crystal meth that is coming from south of the border. It is very inexpensive, it is very pure, and it is very deadly,” said Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele.
#drugs #meth


36 thoughts on “SUPER METH: Tracking origins of super-powered meth as overdoses rise in Pennsylvania”

  1. If you really think that drugs are coming from Mexico like that????. Man I remember i was living in campus and i went to his room and he was ordering like 1000 bars, 2 ounces of 100% fentanyl, euros and some syrup. Why would you mess with the cartel? That’s why anyone can hustle but i dont think fenty its coming in like nothin……
    i think the feds are letting it pass

  2. It's an ugly situation, for me an unfortunate event that was apart of my life for nearly twenty years. There was a moment in my life when an agent was hot on my tail but I am no one. Me just a user no crime of theft or anything like that I worked hard and only used for myself. The agent was trying to see if I fouled up or lead him to a major deal. Now I am thankful for this person to show me that what I was doing was hurting my children when I saw I did nothing wrong. That was in Arizona when meth was at its largest. The trafficking was bigger back then. Now I live in a small town in new Mexico this small town is a tourist town, made the Smithsonian magazine as a gem in new Mexico. You see being a former user I see all the tall tale signs of the new recruits the youth , or the house wife whom got herself caught up in the mess now cannot get out because their families are being threatened by individuals of no worth. Not only is this small town is known for Glanies ( a term for drunk natives ). At one time all you would see is a drunk passed out on the side of the road. Now you see people on bikes as runners, if you don't know anyone good luck trying to. This network is hard to get into. Although at a public park sometimes there is two trucks that are in parking lot only two people. One delivers the other picks up. I have seen this on many occasions. Then seen the pick guy go to a local grocery store that has a dealer inside distributing to it's employees as well as customers. It's a good set up I guess . But I have seen better outfits. But what is dealt here is that poison that was created back in the seventies. Biker crank. Being on the other side of this life seeing the damage it caused I am personally ashamed. Now seeing these thirty something year olds, these are the kids of the parents I associated with. Seen these kids grow up imitating their parents sniffles , saying they have allergies or a sore throat malnourished. I just for out the other day from a native woman , she has a nephew a victim of meth from the inside, inside mom's belly. Now age 4 he drinks chemicals from under the sink and does not get sick. He cannot talk and when he eats well let's just say he has no idea he is full. A trigger for not knowing when his next meal is. To me I never thought I would pay attention to the after math. In order to stop these addictions , in order to stop it all this is what must be done first; stop addressing a drug abuser as having a disease. Calling an abuser diseased labels a person as diseased. This label is just a bandage to the problem. It is an enabling word this label enables users to keep using. As the user says things like man I am sick I needs a fix a bump . Why is it addressed as a disease is because Dr's cannot treat it as drug abuse. That would not get any sort of funding. So they call it a disease so it can be treated. Of course none of that funding ever actually makes it to the cutting table. Anyways the problem is everywhere and it's good to see things are changing, but unless we stop addressing it as a disease there is nothing that is ever going to get done. I ask people how is this a disease? Can you walk away from cancer , can you walk away from leukemia, can you walk away from spinal bifida. Nobyou can't but you can walk away from drugs. Every person in drug rehab is just looking for another source another hookup, it's never about recovery it's more about where can I het my next fix. As for the words relapse, this is just a few words to excuse their falling off the wagon. A made up lie to themselves just one more time. Relapses are excuses for getting high because you are not ready for recovery. Food for thought there is no cure, the only cure for each and every user be it alcohol, meth heroin, ect. Is death . Well I can only pray that this Smithsonian town recently acknowledged as a tourist town gets the help it needs. The last thing is getting new tourist as customers or a new way of transporting amongst tourist.

  3. :.. A Country recovering from an Opioid crisis..really..not having a's the same in Western Europe..its never going to end..but remember… Booze is the worst of all..believe me folks✌

  4. Brought to by the Biden administration to take the pressure off the cartel's murderous rampage on America's addiction being financially backed by Biden s bejing bulid back broken AMERICA

  5. 1.5 year clean from chemical drugs. I have smoked a little Pot but that never gives problems. Tbh I'm proud of myself! I feel confident I'll never touch meth ever again ✌️. Anyone that's beat any addiction I'm proud of you ! God bless

  6. Maybe it wasn't as good 15 years ago… but I never overdosed. We called it "Amping out" you do so much that you passout. Then you wake up like a normal nights sleep. I also never shot it up tho.

  7. But Tennessee's the highest ranking in fentanyl and opiates the law enforcement is a joke in east Tennessee do not legalize it does Tennessee get in to Guinness book world records for having the most fentanyl deaths? You can condemn one thing and allow another your pathetic murders u allowing it to go on we the people of Tennessee know what up Governor bill Lee you loving this u do nothing to put a stop to it I think Tennessee needs to do away with the legal immigration all together everyone gets documented undocumented or not that my opinion good luck Pennsylvania

  8. You know what this is right .
    You are giving guns to crazy people 😜. This boosts telepathy and telekinesis. It is put into your community to cause chaos . Because they are giving it to the craziest part of the population . And their crazy thoughts will drive the population crazy .

  9. No you don't need the drugs . You need to understand virology . Sharing a cigarette. A beverage . Shaking someone's hand . A hug . A friendly kiss on the cheek . You are making a psychic connection . Collecting data . Getting a phone number . A data chip . This allows a back and forth communication to open up . Yeah . Your trash can kill you if a terrorist gets a hold of it .

  10. Oh my god I just read some comments.will some real meth users back me up.the meth today is garbage.ive got 100s of tweakers right now would kill for a hit of old school.iys not even meth it's trash smoke a 8ball and don't even get out of the couch u were sitting in u people will say anything to get ratings or views


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