STORM SHADOW: The Air Forces of Ukraine hit the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet #Crimea

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42 thoughts on “STORM SHADOW: The Air Forces of Ukraine hit the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet #Crimea”

  1. That building , means nothing if who inside it way Corrupted to the point they stole the money instead of having air defense missile , now this city going to realize who's the real evil and their own Corrupted officers for putin it's two birds in one stone , for Ukraine and us and west its land will never take back .

  2. Just imagine if we took the money that NATO or should I say the 32 nations members that makes up NATO including the United States and we combined that with the money, North Korea, Russia, Iran, and the communist Chinese have spent supporting Putin’s invasion into Ukraine ,could you imagine if all that money spent on the war instead was spent rebuilding infrastructure of other countries around the world ,Feeding people, helping people who are in need and basically making peace and love and friends instead of death murder, rape, human trafficking, and war ! Could you imagine a world where no country had nuclear weapons period ! As an old man I can tell you it takes far less energy to love than it takes to hate someone. Hating someone doesn’t hurt them whatsoever but it takes a very heavy toll on the person who’s doing all the hating !

  3. Crimea was always Russia for a hundredth of years, there is no Ukrainians in Crimea for a hundredth of years…lol learn a history prior making statements. And everyone is well and alive. However, being a pro war the same as being anti human

  4. This is not the k give eu country or neto pace life stop attacking rassan orthodox church blues sky ❤heads eu and neto powerful wrongful game this planet cross countries wippon if started finished Italian end his powerful no one powerful rassan powerful ukurean simply they try rassan country raith all country conflict goings inside saport ukurean is not you trying safe ukurean you are disterb your pace full life eu NATO surface please stops helpful ukurean to attacking rassan natinal


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