Stewards | 2255 | Humans and Humanity are OP | Best of HFY

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00:00 Intro
00:09 Stewards by u/Traditional_wolf_007

#ScienceFiction #Storytime #SciFi

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Podcast is Called : ASN Humans Are Space Orcs , HFY and other stories

This Story is Classified as HFY or Humanity Feck, Yea , but what does the Mean?
HFY is a story/series that takes a “human element” in either humanity or an “other” (race/species or object) that exists in a “setting” (future or other world/universe) with varying levels of culture, technology, society and history that help show in some shape or form the potential good or bad for humanity’s race/culture. In These stories Humans are often referred to as Human, Humanity, Deathworlder, Hellwolder in reference to the human planet of origin , Earth. This planet is seen by most of the universe as a place where only death and chaos can survive.
Taken from the FAQ of the r/HFY subreddit.

Humans Are Space Orcs (HASO) or Humans Are (Fantasy Race) Are used as a guide when writing.
In these Stories we normally View humans like the other races view orcs in a Fantasy Novel. We (Humans) share the same characteristics and personalities as orcs. Humans are normally treated as the outsiders and barbarians. Humans tend to be underestimated as well in these stories. Unlike Humanity Feck Yea , these don’t always put a positive spin on humanshumanity sometimes looking at the darker side of human and humanity from the perspective of aliens.


Thank you to Tier 4 and 5 Patreons and Channel Members:
Ágoston Szabó
Andrew MacBride
angry t1t5
Blueberry Cat
Brian Means
Bryan Hanley
Cam Maxwell
Casper Arnholtz
David Lemons
Dr. Joy
Dragzoon W.R.E
E-Machine-O :l
Fred Williamson
ghost347 X
Green Raccoon
Jack Everfree
John McGee
Kage Forest
Karolis Vasiliauskas
Lauren Kramer
lightsjoc ltwz
Lord Azrekahl
Lynae Hill
Maple Tree Studios
Quantem Wensday
Sans the Skeleton
theodine orkster
Trevor Smith
William Howard


21 thoughts on “Stewards | 2255 | Humans and Humanity are OP | Best of HFY”

  1. Sad! Instead of finding out what humanity was and could be, all they saw was a predator species and chose to make of them an enemy. Strangely enough, many herbivore species on Earth are more dangerous than the carnivores. You don't want to cross a hippo, bison, water buffalo, moose, elk (or other deer species), horse, elephant, rhino and many others.

  2. Also, northern Appalachia in the winter? OUCH! Bet they would have loved the swamps of the gulf coast (snakes and alligators), the deserts of the southwest (rattlesnakes and scorpions), the northern Rockies and Cascades (wolves, bear, cougars, elk and bison), Alaska and Canada (the cold weather plus bears, wolves, etc.). Asia would give them tigers and elephants, Africa would give them lions, hippos, crocodiles, jackals, elephants, baboons plus others. Australia… enough said.

  3. The leader of the herbivores stood in front of his captors, fighting his prey instincts to attempt to flee from the presence of these terrifying, two-legged predators. Defiantly, he spoke:
    "You justify our war upon you with your viciousness. Though we may lose the war, we will be remembered as the righteous side in this conflict. You predators have proven by your actions that we made the right decision in attempting to exterminate you!"

    There was a moment's silence and, if facial expressions were as cross-species as they seemed to be, the humans looked momentarily baffled. Then their leader moved slightly forward and spoke, a sardonic smile crossing her face as she did so.
    "It's clear that you've never heard the human saying that history is written by the victors. I'm sure that our history will say that you attacked us without provocation; that you murdered billions of people and it was done entirely due to prejudice; that you never even attempted to first communicate with us or check whether or not we were as bad as you believed us to be. No, you didn't even attempt dialogue, because you'd already made up your minds, without any real evidence, that we had to be evil just because we predate upon non-sentient herbivores.
    "I think that philosophers in the future will bewail the fact that you never even tried to just talk to us, because if you had, it'd be likely that we'd have recognised you as "people" and not as mere animals. In our society, eating people is an extremely strong taboo. That's not to say that it's never happened, but it's still a taboo.
    "And speaking of which, did you never notice that none of us have ever even attempted to consume the bodies of your dead? No? Well, I guess that fits the pattern of thoughtless aggression which your people have displayed toward us right from the start of this war. But it represents yet another failure on your part to investigate us properly. If you'd done so, you'd already know the truth:
    "We don't eat people."

    There was a momentary pause, during which the human seemed to be thinking, while the herbivore leader stood, stunned to silence by the realisation of what he – his people – had done. They had doomed themselves, quite unneccessarily. Now, it was too late. The leader waited for death. But instead, the human spoke once again:
    "Thanks for the technology boost, by the way. It might have taken us a couple of hundred or more of our years to figure out how to get around the light-speed barrier, if not for our reverse-engineering your technology. Now, we're strong enough to not just hold our own but even to push back against any aggressive species in the galaxy. Those vicious cats and nasty bugs, for example, need to be reigned in quite badly, and now we have the means to do it. So now there's just one question left…"

    The human raised its weapon and aimed it directly toward the herbivore leader's brain-case.
    "Do you still want to exterminate us, or is there a chance we can cooperate and get this universe back in balance?"

  4. If information and data can be substituted for energy it seems trepidation and fear would follow very similar dynamics whether stoking coals or agitating the masses. It is funny then that Q equals heat …I wonder how many Q(anon) alien chasers are aware of this.. maybe the fear of change is what drives the change most fear

  5. The strange part of this story is that, by destroying all the predators, the Epov are creating worlds in which unchecked herbavores overwhelm their environments and food supplies. They will find themselves in a situation where they will have a choice between culling or exterminating the local herbavores and watching their worlds be overrun.

  6. They probably knew we also eat vegetable but couldn't accept the fact that a "herbivore" was also eating meat and decided to eradicate us with no care. If you ask me a species that commit genocide are way worse then some that kill and eat for survival. I guess they ended up gifting us FTL technology and maybe unified humanity.


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