Statues Of "Old White Men" Should Be Torn Down


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41 thoughts on “Statues Of "Old White Men" Should Be Torn Down”

  1. When are the 'old white men whose statues need to be torn down' going to include pseudo intellectuals who supported the Confederacy and advocated European powers intervene on its behalf during the US Civil War?

  2. If history is a conspiracy and there's a conspiracy about history then that's a conspiracy about a conspiracy. I'm not saying that history never happened. I'm just saying that Orwellian stuff happened as well. It's just that everyone can clearly see that it's happening, if they come for the statues.

  3. I hate it when people always have to bring race into things where it’s not necessary at all, I swear I could talk to some of these dense cunts about something and without anyone mentioning it they could sneak in the race card.

  4. I remember people demanding that our statue of Robert E. Lee be torn down. Florida simply laughed at them and kept the statue up. Crazy thing is, I don't think Robert E. Lee actually owned slaves despite being a Confederate general. It's almost like he was such a well respected man that the Union Army at one point offered him to be a general of their forces

  5. I actually got into a conversation with about this with a man I used to volunteer with recently, he was a Black man from the Netherlands, his family is originally from Congo I'm pretty sure, he was livid when the Colston statue in Bristol was torn down in 2020, his reasoning is that it set a bad example on how to deal with ugly bits of history and that erasing it will just lead to people repeating it, his idea was just to add a plaque to the statue acknowledging the bad things the man did as well as the good, he hates Colston. He then went on to explain that it effects even African history in Britain too, a few months after the Colston statue in Bristol was Toppled, a bust of Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie the 1st in London was smashed by Oromo nationalists protesting the ongoing war in Ethiopia.

  6. "powerful, older, able-bodied white men" Good thing that Admiral Nelson wasn't able-bodied! A disabled person defeated Napoleon's navy! I can't even imagine a better role model for someone with a physical disability!

  7. Erasing history is an act of genocide.

    It was always about destroying European Christendom. It's amazing how many people STILL cannot see that and cling to their precious secular enlightenment and 'rights'.

    When you're being lined up to be shot you'll still be in denial. Still demanding individualism and degeneracy and multiculturalism.

  8. They'd doubtless change all the statues to depictions of dusky songstress Shirley Bassey, except that she's mostly known for James Bond music, and James Bond was the name of an ornithologist, and some ornithologists have heard of slavery.

  9. I love the welsh Government. Contradictory in every decision. Improve the regional economy, but the environment comes first, so No. Wales for Wales except when it's racist. Re-writing the Welsh language and adding new words to make it more acceptable to different communities despite the fact barely anyone speaks it in those communities.

  10. if we are being honest, alot of those " Old White Men with Able Bodies " were over weight, had syphillis, and a crazy huge case of gout LoL They wouldn't walk without a cain or go 5 seconds without scratching their nuts if their entire fortune depended on it LoL " Able Bodied " is a innaccurate assumption

  11. I wonder why haven't they torn down Malcom x statues he was racist or let's go to Africa and tear down all the statues of black people down. They are part of the British history, basing it because they are white is racist maybe we should stop using everything invented or discovered by white people, all medicines all technology ect.. but they won't do that will they. Shallow self hating people.

  12. Thing about giving into these woke virtue signaling is they always want more because they want more attention and self validation that they achieved something,, as they haven't achieved anything worthwhile in their entire lives

  13. Don't be disappointed at Wallace for killing a few Anglos. It's the natural reaction of everyone that is exposed to them.
    Be disappointed that his efforts meant nothing in the long run and that the people he fought to free degenerated into violent, poor drunkards that are even more brain-raped than their southern neighbours.
    Although that last part might just be a Celt thing. Ireland and Wales are just as pozzed.


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