Native Americans, what are your tribes ghost stories, legends, or supernatural occurrences?

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29 thoughts on “Native Americans, what are your tribes ghost stories, legends, or supernatural occurrences?”

  1. The last story was told by Two Dogs Fucking. Hey Two Dogs, the others shared some Indian culture but you chose to spew shit. The people gave me the name, Pilgrim and weren't hostile. You seem to have a bad spirit clinging to you. ….

  2. Aight. The bible has been heavily edited, has translation errors, huge parts omitted by the Catholic church, and still holds many truths that align with archeological findings.
    It is incomplete and simultaneously a record of many real events.
    Jesus Christ lived. The miracles he performed were witnessed by multitudes of people.

  3. To the last story I would say I can side with what they were trying to say, but their statement that the story was passed from person to person making it more valid is a crock. The chance willful and unintentional changes to the source story increases nearly infinitely when it is word of mouth over time, basically an generational version of telephone. Not that reliable either.

  4. Kashia pomo believes in long snake it lives in our river he only shows himself to pubescent girls.then there's the snake man ,a handsome man who will come and visit young girls who are just reaching puberty and don't follow the rules and if he finds out that a girl tells other people about him he will wrap himself around her neck and kill her he will take his snake form.there are the little people we call them kawas. The people who practice bad medicine can turn into bear,or they wear a cape of feathers and can make all kinds of bird sounds and have super powers they can out run any car.some can cry like a baby ,they are assassins they come around to kill some one.

  5. No reason to include that awful ending. The ending is the most important part and that ruined it. Imagine having a public service announcement about violence at the end of a horror movie. 👎👎

  6. I read a book as a child where the story of how the Earth got light also involved a raven, but the story was different. In the book, the man and his daughter would open the box when they wanted light, but never shared it. The raven watched, and when the girl went to drink a cup of water he turned himself into a pine needle and fell into her cup. She drank the pine needle and became pregnant, giving birth to the raven. (How the man and daughter accepted this as normal I have no idea.) The raven, in the form of a baby, acted curious about the box, and when they opened it, delighted at the ball of light. They handed it to him, and he immediately resumed his true form and flew away, placing the sun in the sky so that all Earth's creatures could see it's light. There's probably a version where the sun burned him and he dropped it in the sky, accounting for his black feathers and the sun's placement. I know there's a story about Raven stealing fire and turning black from it, I can't remember if the fire was how humans got fire or he dropped it in the sky and it became the sun. This was probably before third grade, so I don't remember if it was a "how mankind got fire" story or a "this is where the sun came from" story. Sorry about my memory not being good enough.

  7. 6:05– this reminds me of the chopstick thing in Japan. Normally you never leave your chopsticks in your rice bowl, you always put them to the side when not using them. But at the funerary meal you DO leave your chopsticks in the rice bowl. That's why it's so taboo at all other times, because it's like saying you wish someone would die. Same reason they avoid the number 4 and never give or sell things in sets of 4, or even multiples of 4.

    6:37– I wonder if this has anything to do with the homicidal triad, boys who'll grow up to be serial killers having a higher chance of doing all of the following: torturing and killing animals, setting fires, and late bed-wetting. I specified boys because girls who go on to become serial killers usually just start with humans, they don't practice on animals first.

  8. 34:50– pretty arrogant of the speaker to assume we're Christian and DON'T see the Bible as a bunch of myths and lies. I have my own set of beliefs- it doesn't have any gods per se, because I don't have any evidence any particular god is real. I do believe in spirits because I can see them. I believe in energy because I can feel it. I believe in reincarnation for two reasons: because I personally wish it was true, and because of all the stories of kids remembering past lives, including knowing things they had no business of knowing. I believe that rabbit is my guardian spirit because Rabbit literally appeared to me when I was having a nightmare and told me so. Beyond that, I have no freaking clue. I'm also an anthropologist by education (not just that, but that's what's relevant here.) and I've studied myths and legends from all over the world. I figure many of these legends have a grain of truth to them. I can see the sense behind many of them, the reasons why things are the way they are, the cautionary tales of avoiding danger or acting right, respect for the dead, etc. Those parts have more truth to them than anything in the Old Testament of the Bible. (As far as the New Testament, I will at least credit that the people writing to some degree believed what they were saying was true and there was a Jesus cult leader who was executed.) Heck, the story of Thunderbird fighting the Whale, dropping whale far out in the ocean and causing a cataclysm? That was actually a real thing- it's their way of explaining the catastrophic rupture of the Cascadia fault line, which rarely goes but when it does it's a disaster. Researchers were able to pinpoint the likely origin of the story and it coincides with the Orphan Wave that devastated Japan at that time, so named because there was no local earthquake to cause it. Turns out that was because the earthquake was on the other end of the Pacific ocean. And tales of Thunderbird? My Dad has actually seen a giant bird, albeit when it was walking on the ground. And he DOES know what ostriches and emus look like, in case anyone's thinking he's just that dumb. So who knows what's actually going on there? I may not believe in the faceless man, although I find it interesting that there are faceless women in Japanese stories too. And the linking between not whistling at night reminds me of a South American story where a young man was incredibly selfish and cruel too. (I can't remember the name. But he whistles at night and oddly the softer the whistling is the closer he is, and if he catches you he'll try to kill you and add your remains to the bag he carries, that contains the bones of the father me murdered. So people in that area don't whistle at night because of that story.) So to me some of these stories may well be true, some are true enough for the lesson they teach, and others tell us valuable things about us humans and what's important to us and how we think about the world. As for whether I believe Skinwalkers are evil shapeshifters or nature spirits warning humans, either way I'm treating them with caution and getting away if I see them.

  9. Came inside real quick with the inland pnw person talking about little people. I’m not even 1/4 mile away from the river dude! I have a story about them that happened to a family member.


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