State of the Union: President Biden addresses divided Congress | LIVE

President Biden is delivering his State of the Union address live from the Capitol on Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET. This is his first speech to a joint session of Congress since Republicans took control of the House. Biden’s address will come against the backdrop of the approaching one-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine, after a string of mass of shootings in California and the beating death of Tyre Nichols by police in Memphis, and as the president contemplates a reelection announcement.

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32 thoughts on “State of the Union: President Biden addresses divided Congress | LIVE”

  1. Biden's stance on the war in Ukraine is a tragedy to the Ukrainian and Russian people; however, I whole heartedly support his efforts at improving our State of the Union.

  2. they themselves imposed sanctions against Russia, and Russia is to blame?)))….. In Russia, everything is just gorgeous! I don’t understand – the people of the United States really don’t understand who is to blame for the fact that the United States has a debt of 31.4 trillion dollars to other countries?))) For this debt, you can sell the United States at a sale)))))

  3. Excellent speech with most of it proving that all voters need Freedom to vote on everything government wants to do. Phone app, voting kiosks and small robot dogs one pets to vote would usher in this most cost effective system.

  4. The OUTSOURCING of America's Industry was the result of a BIPARTISAN ACT called NAFTA!! A Republican, GHW Bush composed it & a Democrat, Bill Clinton, sign it into law. THERE'S a "Conspiracy" For you all. LOOK IT UP!!
    Our Country has been struggling ever since!!
    After NAFTA My Wife & I have quit voting Republican & Democrat!! (With very few exceptions.)
    Democrats & Republicans have been in control for over a century. THEY are responsible for our condition.
    It's time to send them ALL home for 4 or 8 years!! It's time to Elect AMERICANS!!


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