Starfield – Part 55 – Broken Steal

Starfield continues, as we head back to Neon to crack on with our Ryujin business, which would be somewhat easier if one of my sneaky-missions didn’t immediately break…

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22 thoughts on “Starfield – Part 55 – Broken Steal”

  1. I guess I have made it somewhere new because there are these guttural howls now. Still nothing though. Just a sound that I can't seem to follow.

    Day 0053/1230 of requesting Jon read Macbeth to us with accompanying funny voices for the characters.

  2. The only times that Jon has any trouble with these missions are,
    #1 on a coffee run he had to execute a downed man to proceed.
    #2 Roombas tried to snitch on him so he had to shut them down, and got yelled at for that and
    #3, walking in to the public lobby at Hopetech two independent security guards try to kill him.

  3. Leave the sanitation mini bots alone! They're some of the best NPCs in the entire game! And they're not snitches. They get close to snitching, but they never snitch. Sanitation mini bots and honourable and have principles, they would never snitch.

  4. Star Control Date 0045!! I have no idea how many days that is in regular earth-spins, but it seems like it would be a lot! It’s incredible how much life can change in the span of a month and a half of Star Control Dates.

    Anyways. Back to the meat. Umgahnna haffta humbly request yet again (and with a special extra dash of humility) that Jon play Star Control 2.

    It was, is, and ever shall be, his favorite game. He just doesn’t know it yet.

    Tyvm annnddd gb

  5. Why does everyone like ryujin questline so much.. I honestly didnt like it all that much. Only sneaking and talking…running back and forth, no real penalties for being detected. I thought it was dull and predictable. I loved quests like freestar rangers and vanguard. And mostly crimson fleet.

  6. Ok, I finally bought Starfield for pc while it was on sale for $46. And so far I gotta say I’m honestly enjoying it and having a pretty good time, I really don’t get why everyone hates it so much. It’s not, like, super innovative or anything but it’s definitely worth it on sale for under fifty bucks. I look forward to seeing how it gets improved upon in the upcoming few years with updates and dlc. I hope we can look back on it kinda like we do now with Cyberpunk at some point.

  7. I've had the Freestar mission with Ron Hope ruin the Ryujin one multiple times. The only way around it is to reload and go back to HopeTech before starting the mission so you can clear the hostiles, or you just have to wait and kill Ron Hope after this mission. Gotta love Bugthesda.

  8. hi I need your help. I found the Theta artifact in the cave on Indum III-D. I have tried to extract the artifact using the Heller Cutter, till the power in the cutter is exhausted, 10 times, I also used every weapon in my arsenal and I still can't remove the artifact. I have used this process to secure 4 other artifacts using the cutter after a maximum of two attempts. Bethesda support sent me the following which I tried and didn't work: Force the game to refresh or redraw the problem area using one of the following methods:

    Fast Travel out of the area where you are having an issue, such as to a nearby planet, and return.

    Enter an "instanced" area where you get a loading screen and return to the area you were experiencing an issue.

    Waiting 72 in-game hours by sitting down or resting can reset NPC related behavior.

    Sometimes exploring other areas or completing unrelated questlines may resolve issues.

    Load an earlier save from before you zoned into that area and try again.

    Completely exit out of the game and reboot your system.

    Completely disable and remove all mods you have installed, if applicable.

    Verify your game files. Select your platform below for further instructions: I am playing on an XBOX Series X. Thank you from Depoe Bay, Oregon.

  9. The two trigger happy guards are Ron Hope's remaining goons. Otherwise it's as designed that everyone else isn't hostile by default. You are just a harmless visitor to them unless they see you manipulating the panel.

  10. I have no idea why it took this long for me to think of it, but Jon, check out the ship tech on Titan at New Homestead. There’s a Nova Galactic bridge that I think you need to see in your tour of ship cockpits for the Grand Flamingo, given your love for good front windows, overhead glass, and crew seats that look actually useful

  11. Typical Bethesda, designing new fancy armor and whatnot, bringing back armor effects like Chameleon and making it impossible to play the game, just like in Fallout 4.

    That was rectified by the mod community, (obviously), which makes Chameleon armor acutally usable.


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