Star Trek: TNG Review – 7×25, 7×26 All Good Things… | Reverse Angle

The epic conclusion of (our reviews of) Star Trek: The Next Generation.

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Moore, Ronald D. and Brannon Braga. “All Good Things…” Star Trek: The Next Generation, created by Gene Roddenberry, Season 7, Episode 25/26. Paramount Television, CBS, 1994.

Cameron, James, director. The Terminator. Orion Pictures, 1984.

Gordon, Stuart, director. From Beyond. Empire Pictures, 1986.

Fontana, D.C. and Gene Roddenberry. “Encounter at Farpoint.” Star Trek: The Next Generation, created by Gene Roddenberry, Season 1, Episode 1/2. Paramount Television, CBS, 1987.


30 thoughts on “Star Trek: TNG Review – 7×25, 7×26 All Good Things… | Reverse Angle”

  1. Definitely a thoughtful review! Am hoping you do more 90s Trek one day, but hearing new perspectives ln a show people thought was perfect at the time has been a breath of fresh air.

    Nitpicks to this episode aside, I love this finale for it trying to be original in its own way, even if it is cribbing the basic alternate timeline idea of "Yesterday's Enterprise" and goes all meth with it.

    Q helping Picard despite being told by the Continuum to wipe them out, while getting Picard to be the vehicle for humanity's form of execution was pretty cool…

    I'm not sure bringing back the Borg would have been good. I like your take, but after Descent, I thought the Borg story was finished.

    I do wonder if they tried to bring in Guinan or other characters, but had to rewrite. It's amazing that what was filmed comes across so good, but it might be due more to the style and execution than the underlying plot.

    Still an A- for me. Or an easy in terms of season 7 considering how inconsistent season 7 was.

    Oh, didn't Gene Roddenberry hate the idea of ships with odd numbers of nacelles? And yet the 1701-D with three never looked better.

  2. i was so pleased to see obrien back again on the enterprise interracting with the crew as if he was a regular at the time when he wasnt. i'm glad he got some good moments here

  3. Really hoping we get more Trek. DS9 is a better show than Voyager, but I really think I'd rather see you guys review and make fun of a lot of the bad Voyager episodes 🤣🤣🤣…

    Great job. Thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing! 👏🏻

  4. 3 words … Deep space nine.
    Excellent work , each episode feels like watching the series again with good friends., And joking about the obvious short comings of each episode.
    Would love to see the same done with Deep space nine. That is yet to be reviewed this way by any critic in YouTube.

  5. Great commentary, as usual! I'm a bit surprised for this had the same grades as "Drumhead," which had some of the most epic Picard speeches. I definitely agreed with Nick's 'A-' there. This, I'll admit, they had a slightly "too" clever explanation on the paradox "solution", which probably is nonsense, but worked in this series. I think they ended on a memorable high note, as there were some way worse episodes in the last season. I would give the two-part finale a "B+". Reverse Angle's Reviews, get a straight "A". They were usually hilarious and didn't hold back when called for.

  6. You said you regretted some of your previous grades, well hopefully that includes "Most Toys" which you both rated bad. Grrrrrr. Also "Inner Light" which you guys surprisingly joined the mainstream and both rated an "A", that was the episode I was hoping you would tear apart as the more you think about it, the more stupid and horrifying it is.

    But overall, Thank you for your excellent job. I seen and enjoyed every video (except the aforementioned Most Toys" & "Inner Light"), I don't know how you guys aren't getting at least 100K views every video, but I am sure many more people will eventually find and enjoy your videos for years to come.

    Thanks again!!!

  7. Well…the ending…damn, time goes by fast, you know, when I first saw this show from the beginning, I followed it and when I saw that ending I felt perfect. That last sentence from Deanna was a great success, and without a doubt a great closing…

    You know, I don't know about you but a Dont Stop Believing or a My Baby Blue would have been that ending, and the last thing, that camera that goes and looks at the ceiling and records everyone playing poker, reminded me of Breaking Bad xd yes, I think that me, the guy who saw The Sopranos and Breaking Bad, would say that, but I still like that original ending :,D

    Thanks guys for following this and giving us good smiles 😀

  8. Thank you for the fun reviews and helping me relive the series! A couple thoughts. This episode, for whatever its faults, offers the best farewell to TNG, more emotionally satisfying by far (for me at least) than what we got from Nemesis or Picard season 3's finale. Even now, 29 years later, the ending still gives me some tingles.
    Another observation: by the standards of network television in 1994, TNG was often the best thing on by far. Judging it by the context of what was on offer at the time would probably yield higher ratings, but it's still interesting to hear perspectives from those who never watched it in youth.

  9. Nice job getting to the end guys! I have been enjoying your episodes for years now. You have such talent and I will suggest again that you do some reviews on things that are current and relevant. Pick something on the Netflix top 10 and roll with it. A channel like yours should be at 1 million subscribers and I think the only reason it isn’t is you are focusing in on shows that at this point a lot of people haven’t even heard about much less care about.

  10. Well, it was supposed to be just another season finale before they decided to make it the series finale which is why it doesn’t give much closure to the crew, and even then they would have made the movies so they weren’t going to tie everything anyways

  11. The plot line has a few holes (eg: The anomoly gets bigger in the past and returning to the where the anomoly appeared in the future to see it being formed wouldn't work, it's the wrong way around, and also, the past crew seem to put an enormous amount of faith in their very new captain's odd orders).
    Despite the minor niggles, this is an astonishing episode. There is some great character development for the future time-line and some great memories of the past time-line. The interaction between the characters in the future is really well done, with some great conflicts. Future Worf and Data are great.
    The aging make-up is pretty good as well.
    Q is fabulous, as always.

    The end scene is beautifully done. Patrick Stewart is fabulous (obvs), the way he sits at the table and takes a slow look at the rest of the crew is touching.


  12. I just finished TNG. I started this journey a year ago and after every episode I watched I would then watch your reviews. So cool my own personal journey ends around the same time your guys journey ends. It’s been a fun ride.

  13. I came across your channel earlier this year and have enjoyed it immensely. I got to revisit TNG without having to actually rewatch it, plus I loved your snarky takes on it. I hope this isn't the end (other than the upcoming retrospective videos you mentioned) and that you keep going with another Trek series.


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