Star Atlas – Showroom R2.1 Trailer

Star Atlas is currently in development and will be released iteratively through game modules in both Unreal Engine 5 and browser-based formats, enabling the game to expand continuously while players immerse themselves in the Star Atlas gaming and co-creation experience.

Showroom R2.1 is a closed-access testing version set at Volant Station. Players can control several different characters to explore an extended landscape and a ground race track by walking or flying around in their ships. Players are also able to race against time in one of the 11 currently race-ready ships on the Volant Station Showroom race track.

Get your closed-access game key by:

🗝 Spawning a fleet in SAGE:Escape Velocity at
🗝 Enlisting a ship in Faction Fleet for 7 days at

Find your key in your profile at and redeem it at

For additional information, go to:

Experience the future of reality at Star Atlas:

#staratlas #ue5 #epicgames

Star Atlas is a next-gen gaming metaverse emerging from the confluence of state of the art blockchain, real-time graphics, multiplayer video game, and decentralized financial technologies.

Real-time graphics technology using Unreal Engine 5’s Nanite allows for cinematic quality video game visuals. Blockchain technology using the Solana protocol established a largely serverless and secured gameplay experience. Non-fungible tokens obtained and traded within Star Atlas creates an economy that replicates the tangibility of real world assets and ownership.

To learn more, visit, join a faction at and send your spaceships on a deep space mission by enrolling them into the Faction Fleet.

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42 thoughts on “Star Atlas – Showroom R2.1 Trailer”

  1. My experience with metarverse explorer and his give away.
    Where he asked for the CORRECT SPELLING of his betrothed name.
    But with her being Italian and not been given the Italian spelling of her name he said I was wrong even when the name arrigenated from Italy.
    His answer to me was it is my channel and the answer is what ever i says it is.
    He gave 8 ships away i put the Italian spelling 8 times so in my eyes he owes me 8 ships my reasons are even if on her birth certificate it does not have the Italian spelling i would be correct unless they change the Italian dictionary.
    Hi all Italian people I have a debate going on about the spelling of his girlfriends name which he says is Nicole but I found this on the web. The female form of Nicola in Italian is Nicoletta. Other forms of the female name in other languages include Nicole or Nicolette in French, Nikolett or Nikoletta in Hungarian, Νικολέττα or Νίκη in Greek.Nicoletta
    Who is right I ask him to look at her birth certificate but he insisted he is right is he.
    She is Italian and he did ask for the right spelling.

  2. Congrats on this amazing milestone! Many will be stunned with constant releases for the rest of the year. The power of Star Atlas evident when you dig deeper, with the underlying SAGE economy firing up to supply crafted items and materials in Unreal Engine 5! Star Atlas is also a lifestyle, with real-world business like Galia Merchants and Dark Core Roasters launching, with more on the way! Congrats and enjoy Atlas miners❤ Power to the people👽

  3. I hope this succeeds, looks promising but i have seen two videos today saying this game is done for. Then i see this and it looks great.

    What is the truth?

  4. Star Citizen backer here. Visually this game is looking beautiful, I hope they are able to deliver what they promise! Game development is not easy, and even once you have a full game made, keeping the players engaged and active is even more difficult. There is a long road ahead for Star Atlas, backers need to be aware that the timeline for production could be way longer than they think.

  5. I'd love to take part in this project but i'm never going to touch crypto. Do something for the audience that wants to stick to traditional payment systems.

  6. The game looks pretty good, and I think the fact it's in UE5 gives it a massive edge that not many people will understand yet. It looks like NMS crossed with SC and tbh, I know it's trying to compete with SC. Two things. One, you need to really dial in the movement and flight mechanics, and two, please add PvE areas. Do this, and you will succeed in your endeavor and actually be the Battlefield to SC's Call of Duty.

  7. Some sick graphics! Wilder World is touted as the best graphics for a ‘Metaverse’ play, but Star Atlas appears to surpass Wilder, but with so much more… can’t wait for full release of Star Atlas!

  8. I hope you can switch out of third person to first person view, as it will add to the immersion to be able to play the majority of time in first person. I’m liking the progress, keep pushing forwards, and focus on delivering an enjoyable game above all. Something Star Citizen has long forgotten about.


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