SRF’s Frans Cronje: SA’s opposition parties blew opportunity; ANC decline arrested stable above 50%

The latest polling data from the Social Research Foundation, shared here by chair Dr Frans Cronje, shows that SA’s opposition political parties wasted a golden opportunity to punish the ruling ANC when it was most vulnerable. With the notable exception of the IFP (especially in KZN) Cronje says the ANC’s other competitors dropped the ball when the tryline beckoned. Biggest loser, research shows, is the radical EFF whose share of the vote has almost halved to a modest 6% in recent months. Cronje believes the ANC’s fortunes will be further boosted ahead of the 2024 National Election by a virtual end to loadshedding as long-term plans start to have an impact. He spoke to Alec Hogg of BizNews.


33 thoughts on “SRF’s Frans Cronje: SA’s opposition parties blew opportunity; ANC decline arrested stable above 50%”

  1. R500bn stolen from the Covid19 funding + the R1bn per month out of Eskom's procurement desk is the engine that is driving the ANC. Money doesn't talk Frans. It swears. Frans the coal feedstocks being delivered by the "BEE contractors" is mostly rocks with zero calorific value. It so low it doesn't burn. The diesel sales orders to Eskom procurement desk are originated from a fax machine in parliament. So the massive diesel purchases all done at a premium of 20% come from zero added value "BEE Womens Empowerment Group" . They are all ANC MP's that we see sleeping at every sitting of parliament.

  2. Interesting Discussions…Organised Crime and Corruption are still huge factors that Need to be addressed for Investor confidence, this could be a Deciding factor..Come 2024 Elections..

  3. looking at the political parties we have in this country i can understand why this happened , they are all useless and busy looking at self gain opposed to what is good for the country

  4. If coalition leaders were truly and absolutely resolute on what they say they want for SA and her beautiful people, they'll put aside their fragmented and useless issues +egos and do what is more necessary now than ever and bring about the much needed and overdue change. However sadly I predict irrelevant rhetoric and posturing will prevail and our beloved ANC will once again emerge as the clear and only winner… at the massive cost of the people… moreso our children and the zero future they have in Mzanzi… how our liberation forefathers must be looking on with bitter and bloody tears.

  5. The ÀÑÇ MUST GO !!!!! They brought our small businesses to their knees and stole the lockdown compensation to us because of your skin colour. GOD will remove them. Faith, no matter what you say.
    I can see you are not on the ground but part of the higher income group not to see what is really going on.

  6. I have posted this before, but it is so appropriate. The ANC government has been described as the 'biggest crime syndicate in the world', but they are continually voted for. "Only in Africa will thieves be grouping to loot again and the youths whose future is being stolen will be celebrating it"….Professor Soyinka.

    Replace youths in the above saying with ANC voters.

    I'm really p1ssed off at people who continually vote for this pathetic government.

  7. Just love Dr Cronje – Always thoughtful. I'm amazed to hear that ASA dropped in popularity. I do agree that the ANC will drop loadshedding to stage 1 or zero before 2024. It's about marketing for the upcoming general election in 2024. Coalitions have to work – to many small parties causing rockshins. VK – from CT

  8. I don't think Mr McKenzie understands the harm that he has done and is doing with his power playing. It's so essential that the opposition coalitions put aside their differences and work together to bring about effective governance in the cities where they operate.

  9. Well clearly malema (who claims to be jesus – but not the JESUS I know), has promised that he has basically already taken over the country and will obviously be the next president. Malema, who hails from zimbabwe, has ensured that all media covers his every word. And many uneducated (whether citizens or not) will vote for this big-mouthed, scammer. Think about it!

  10. I note that the numbers are not static. But voters don't understand coalition dynamics and the problems in GP metros are beyond respondents' comprehension.
    The national budget, too, is not a factor in respondents' views

    Loadshedding does impact respondents attitudes. However, a reduction on loadshedding might not be a significant campaign benefit for the ANC, particularly if loadshedding is reduced long before the election campaign. Unemployment which is the basis of youth apathy might still cancel the benefits of reduced loadshedding as far as the ANC is concerned. The opposition does still retain the strategic high ground on Manu policy failures, especially if they campaign on municipal issues. If they can decouple Ramaphosa from municipalities and show voters that Ramaphosa is responsible for failures at local level

  11. For a short period of time, I truly believed that a coalition could take the ANC out of national rule… sadly, that was a pipe dream. I have hopes that a DA led coalition will take Gauteng, and an IFP-DA coalition will take KZN. That would be 3 provinces not run by the ANC. Perhaps people and business will flock to them as they have the WC… that would create jobs and economic growth.. but looks like the ANC has the other provinces easily. Coalition can’t work with bickering and child like behavior.

  12. All in all said….I think the ANC realised that if they dont start doing something they out……strangely over a very short period of time…..loadshedding are become lesser…some power stations dramatically increase their power outset…..visibility of police on the ground increase by 1000%….we seeing potholes are being fixed…..if this is the trends for the next year the coallisions is not coming into play…and the ANC….will still be around….sadly


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