Spirit Island: Is this Spirit for YOU? Shifting Memory of Ages


10 thoughts on “Spirit Island: Is this Spirit for YOU? Shifting Memory of Ages”

  1. Yeah I think Intensify is my favorite version of Memory as of now. It was a bit confusing to be using elemental markers differently, but I really enjoyed going for a minor build and using minors I usually wouldn't touch because of how I could suddenly enhance them.

  2. Love your explanation of all the different Spirits, it helped me a lot with figuring out how some of them are ment to be played 😊 but how can you access the nature incarnate content? I dont find that mod on steam ws but am very exited to try all the aspects!

  3. This was my favourite spirit for a long time. Feels great hammering out big majors often and early. As I've played more and started increasing difficulty in solo games the lack of actions and the do nothing starting cards have made things feel tricky. Still love it in multiplayer.

  4. I'm super sold on intensify now. I was trying to get better with breath of darkness (love that spirit) but i may have to take a break and figure out what to do with this other aspect.
    There was just so much extra text on there, is the thing.


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