spectresonly.com // DOSSIER GAIDEN I | Mass Effect 2 (81)

NEW Channel! Woolie VS The Algorithm: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu1xJ25a4PyY35sPsjsl65A/featured
Woolie VS Tip Jar: https://streamlabs.com/woolieversus/tip

Woolie https://twitter.com/WoolieWoolz
Reggie https://twitter.com/chesterr01

Intro by Remerai https://twitter.com/Remerai
Edited by Minh https://twitter.com/SoushinSen

#MassEffect #MassEffect2 #masseffectlegendaryedition


42 thoughts on “spectresonly.com // DOSSIER GAIDEN I | Mass Effect 2 (81)”

  1. Woolie finding out he was wrong at EVERY turn regarding the genophage is very satisfying to see. Can't wait to see how that turns out. i really hope this dlc content isn't 5 more hours

  2. I want Woolie to know I appreciate him uploading these dossiers. This still remains my favorite piece of DLC because it's not just a lore dump, but it's all contextualized in universe which is such a cool way to expand the characters.

  3. Miranda: My father is an egomaniac and complete perfectionist he cloned me from his own DNA to be the perfect human, how I loathe and hate him.
    Also Miranda:
    How tall are you?

  4. Woolie on the podcast: "we decided against putting all the dossier parts in one episode because they're all good content"

    The content: Woolie reading one Mission Report silently to himself and failing his reading comprehension/memory checks for 18 minutes straight

  5. I don't remember if I noticed the mention of Mordin killing with a pitchfork in the dossiers when I ready them. "Have killed many, Shepard. Many methods. Gunfire. Knives. Drugs. Tech attacks. *Once with farming equipment*. But never with medicine." Awesome.

    I cannot believe Woolie forgot Mordin's entire character arc and thought he was still working on the genophage though…

  6. Shadow Broker dossiers are the Mass Effect equivalent of the fucking Truth Records tapes from MGS5. Blows my mind how they absolutely nail every single one, and I love it all.

  7. 10:27 – To be fair, like a solid dozen or so of my patients do actually have penicillin allergies– and that's just that we know have it. So, when we dispense those kinds for someone else, we have to use a separate counting tray specifically so there's no cross-contamination, to stop the odd chance that it gets to someone we/they didn't know they were allergic to.

  8. Woolie, I like you a lot, but please, when you get confused, ASK. Insisting on "figuring it out yourself" has lead to more confusion than if you had simply asked.

  9. Bue: "Easy, ho, let's keep this professional yeah?"
    Liara: "Yes, Shepard. All this survey data comes to four-thousand dollars."
    Blue Checking wallet with 42k dollars in it : "Where's my 'for old times sake' discount?"

  10. If you're having trouble digesting the lore (I still sometimes forget that Mordin didn't actually come up with the original Genophage), it's probably better to go through stuff like this in chunks and speak your thoughts about them aloud. It helps piece things together (for me, at least) and uh, it's a little less awkward than to watch you re-read stuff in total silence.

  11. How weird is it that Woolie not once never considered sparing Maelon and just telling him to find better Krogans to repair, of fucking work with Mordin. Woolie says he moved away from black and white thinking only to end up forcing himself to choose between hyper dark blue and eggshell. Woolie just straight up likes killing people to "solve" his problems.

  12. 4:03
    Blue Last Episode: (shuts down Liara’s friendship) “Let’s keep it professional, Liara, despite all you’ve done for me between ME1 and ME2, you’re not welcome on the 2rmandy.”
    Blue This Episode: “Really?! You’re gonna make us buy the info, Liara?!”
    Red Shepard: (Picard facepalming meme)

  13. This is the one time Woolie desperately needs to be playing with someone like Little V or Pat who have played these games and know the lore already.

    He just isn't quite absorbing the timeline.

    Salarians create genophage with intent to threaten krogan with it only. Turians say F that and a weapon needs to be fired to be respected. The krogan won't listen to threats otherwise. And deploy it immediately.


    Mordin's team discovers the genophage is being adapted to and reup it.

    It's the gap in how long the genophage has existed Woolie isn't getting. Mordin might speak like he could've been there but this was a long time before humans were even out of the Renaissance. The other complicating factor is krogan can live to be well over a thousand. There are krogan alive right now who remember the rebellions who remember before the genophage.


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