SOAKING WORSHIP with Apostle Joshua Selman & Bishop Joshua Heward-Mills

Bishop Joshua Heward-Mills is the son of Bishop Dag Heward Mills, founder of United Denominations Originating from the Lighthouse Group of Churches (UD-OLGC) formerly known as the Light House Chapel International.
Bishop Joshua Heward-Mills is currently the resident pastor of First Love Church, Accra.
Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak is a deep teacher of God’s word and the founder of Koinonia (Eternity Network International). Apostle Joshua Selman has been mentored and influenced by a wide number of heavily anointed men of God. He best describes himself as a product of many graces, anointing, and divine impartation. This is seen when he talks about the different men of God that have at one time or the other imparted his life including Benny Hinn, Bishop David O. Oyedepo, T. L. Osbourne, Reinhard Bonnke, among others.

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7 thoughts on “SOAKING WORSHIP with Apostle Joshua Selman & Bishop Joshua Heward-Mills”

  1. Beautiful compilation. Thank you. However, for subsequent compilations, please fade-out the song that's ending while fading-in the starting song so it becomes a "flowing" worship. Notwithstanding the abrupt ending of one and begining of the other, I love it! GOD BLESS YOU! 🔥🔥❤❤


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