Special Operators: Air Force Combat Controllers, United States

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43 thoughts on “Special Operators: Air Force Combat Controllers, United States”

  1. In my personal experience I would say PJ'S are the absolute best of the best and the most selfless and the ones who are willing to sacrifice the most, not to get the mission done but to get the casualties home and alive. Look into them they practice saving lives on the battlefield and some of their firing stance use their own bodies as cover. I've done and seen a lot in my time. But hearing them coming in just to save a brother is one of the most badass things ever

  2. This is cool to learn about. I am the granddaughter of a SeaBee who would go ahead and create the roads to prepare for landing areas, it makes me wonder how far ahead the Air Force Combat Controllers were.

  3. While I was in the Air Force I was stationed at Hurlburt field Fla. Then 1st SOW, Special Operations Wing. Rubbed shoulders with Combat Controllers. Never arrogant but confident and professional in all matters. The finest people you could have ever have the honor of serving with. Yes I was there when our wing deployed for the Grenada operations. It was those same Combat Controllers I knew who participated and served so well there. We deployed our AC 130 gunships and other assets as well and supported the 82 Airborne some of which staged at Hurlburt on there way there. Yes Combat Controllers are the elite of the elite. I can't speak high enough of them.

  4. Obviously the biggest difference between ccts and all other special operations is that ccts dont all have publicists considering no one here knows the difference between ccts and tacps. Lol

  5. I went to the Air Force recruiter's office when I was 21. I passed the ASVAB, and being bilingual, was given the choice of anything I wanted to be.

    I said I wanted to be a Combat Controller. The Staff Sergeant was like "I really wish that wasn't the first thing you said. We can't take you for that reason."

    Apparently, wanting to become a Combat Contoller right off the bat makes you too crazy for the military.

  6. One of the longest and hardest special operations pipe lines on earth. I am pretty sure it's the longest and it's a lot harder than people realize. It's a running joke the air force has it easy. Not those men.

  7. When Air Camandoes later to be called Special Operations were created personal were recruited from TAC Combat Air Control units because we were one of the few USAF units with ground combat training, escape and evasion etc.
    I was with a detachment at Ft. Bragg from a squadron at Shaw AFB In 1965 the unit moved to Eglin AFB

  8. Lets not sleep on the pararescue folks, either. They are some hard core dudes.

    I mean, i know it's just a (awesome) movie and tv show, but Jack O'Neill was pararescue, to explain why he was such a hard-charging fighter in a branch famed for being the butt of fitness and hardship jokes.


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