SpaceX's Starship Got Crazy Offer From Pentagon… Musk Reacts!

A key distinction of the Raptor engine is its fuel choice: methane and liquid oxygen. Methane can be efficiently produced on Mars, …


47 thoughts on “SpaceX's Starship Got Crazy Offer From Pentagon… Musk Reacts!”

  1. Moon and Mars Elon musk lets put your juggerknot alien Drednought building it in orbit of the Moon at the next stage of design building of the thing that builds the things in orbit the way station all automated orbital way station will build and design building the ships that take us to the destinations we want to Go

  2. Here we go. I see the end of space X if this goes ahead.. We are not only talking of space X going but any hope of any manned missions in space except for the militarty. There will be a few obligatory NASA flights but that is it. I reckon it will follow what happened after the Apollo misions. The death of American space exploration and a monumental set back for the advancement of the space industry as a whole. How long did that go on for? 59 years at least. If you look at what nationalisation did for the UK then that is exactly what will happen in the space industry a load of hangers on increasing their pay checks with very little else to show for it. That is one path and my opinion.

  3. I'll add another nay to surrendering Starship to the Pentagon at any price. There is too much corruption there with the current administration and hold overs from other corrupt administration's. The temptation to sell the technology to China would be too great. Stay the course Elon. They need you more than the other way around. Be wise.

  4. i dont see musk permitting this short of a hostile government takeover, and with the current scotus i dont see that happening. short of eminent national security threats and spacex refusal to help address them, i dont see the us govt forging such a dangerous path

  5. If Musk wouldnt try to impose his eccentric views on his customers, such as in Ukraine, the US wouldnt need to take control of Space X. The customer is always right. Besides where do you think Musk gets the money to develop Starship.

  6. Once the Gov takes this over it will be the end of SpaceX. Trust me, I worked in Aerospace for 40 years and I always said that I learned everything I would never do in my own business from that experience.

  7. No doubt the military would use it to put thousands of weapon munitions in orbit that can drop down on anywhere with very little warning. I suspect this could alienate China to the point of blocking battery exports and taking away Tesla’s Shanghai factory.

  8. Fu#* No!!! Never Ever. They have proven that they can't get there on there own merits and poor and miss management of funds. There main focus is not innovation or man kind. For one DA – Elon in now Republican and NASA – AKA The Government which is now the Democrats. All about Control, Weapon Capabilities, & Money. NASA Needs to Eat More Crow.

  9. There seems to be a gov't agenda to discredit and slow down Elon Musk's companies . It is not a coincidence that the gov't has taken multi legal suits against Musk and his companies to suit their agenda- to even hinting Musk is a drug addict, to being "South African", to him manipulating "X" (twitter) – when it was the Biden gov't manipulating conservative 'cancel culture' for their political agenda.

  10. Bad idea!!. Government will turn SpaceX into NASA, and become bloated with waste, cost over runs, loss of control & loss of direction endless red tape..Look at the stagnation of Boeing 'Orion', 14 yrs and still plagued with problems….Remain as you are.

  11. Imagine if the government had gone to a commercial launch services contract model immediately after Apollo! Good chance we would have hundreds of people, both in orbit and on the lunar surface right now. As the testimony of that retired NASA bureaucrat proved, the real hurdle in advancement over the last 50 years has been because of the government maintaining complete control in order to enrich the politically connected.

  12. Bidens FAA has delayed flights for the first two years and has now put them on a 6 month leash. Under Trump he launched every 3 weeks. Biden has slowed his development by a factor of 4. This is. Blackmail, they are saying well let you launch.

    The rocket garden is the physical embodiment of bidens launch restrictions based on stupid environmental made up delays.

  13. If the Government enters into SpaceX and has sway over SpaceX, you can guarantee they will screw it all up and security for all of the high teck
    data and innovation details will get stolen quicker than a heart beat.

  14. The government is probably running one of space companies it controls, and needs for funnelling money into its black budget projects. So hey let’s go grab Spacex starship. It will amaze me if they let a private company like spaceX ever get to the moon or mars.

  15. Bare in mind the secret government probably already has an advanced space program so who needs spaceX with primitive rockets when you have antigravity. If so and I hope I am wrong then they will not want any competition.


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