Something Unusual is Going on With The Moon Right Now

Something Unusual is Going on With The Moon Right Now.
Images from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter have shocked scientists by showing that the Moon, the Earth’s natural satellite, is steadily decreasing, resulting in creases on its crust and many moonquakes. With a series of missions starting this month, NASA’s Artemis program will take humans back to the moon for the first time in more than 50 years. Additionally, NASA intends to build a base camp somewhere among the moon’s south pole’s angular rocks and gray dust.
So why is it that NASA is dying to get back to the Moon as soon as possible? What are the plans for making a permanent Moon base? And, if the Moon really is shrinking, what does this mean for the future astronauts that will call this tiny world their home?

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26 thoughts on “Something Unusual is Going on With The Moon Right Now”

  1. And the lies continue…we don't have the tchnology anymore to go there…NASA's own words…what changed? Billions into acquitment and only CGI to show for it. You can't fool the people all the time.

  2. So maybe the moon is causing major changes to the oceans as well.. If the moon is shrinking then, we should expect to see more typhoons or increased flooding. Just what we are seeing happening right now. The Sun is also experiencing more and larger solar flares. These also have an affect on weather. I bet they didn't mention this either. Solar flares heat the upper atmosphere.

  3. The return to the moon is for the same exact reason. We already went to prevent a Russian take over of the moon. Now it is to prevent China from attempting the same thing.

  4. Since the moon has no atmosphere both the heat from the sun and lack of protection from invisable cosmic rays bombard the moon. However each time the moon passes btween our sun and earth, that area which is normally cold, (since the moon does not spin, only revolves around earth) this creates the expansion and contractions in size that create perpetual moon quakes.

    When sizemic studies were taken on the moon's surface, it rang like a bell for roughly half an hour?
    Is the moon hollow inside?
    Hard to believe the moon is shrinking.

    Although our moon is within the strong magnetic field of the earth, and Van Allen Belts, solar flares in a coronal mass ejection (CME)are common ocurances when the side of the moon we don't see passes in front of us during an eclips blocking out the sun.
    The axis of the moon has to be just right to block the sun's light. But as this side of the moon is dark most of the time the other side we see is exposed to the direct sun and cosmic rays and the heat until it is in our earth 's shadow.

    When the whole moon becomes chilled. We can learn alot about Mars from visiting the moon.
    Mars atmosphere is thin. And has no strong magnetic field. A very cold planet.

    The moon also contains iron from meteorite impacts and this iron is different from iron ore on earth.

    Stronger and denser geology in this iron could be mined to create stronger materials.

    The dust on the moon is very hazardous and sticky. Contains static cling. Difficult to clean off space suits.
    Can ruin moving parts. There would have to be a way to grade the surface to allow the station to have firm contact beneath the layers of dust.

    Also learn how to adapt to the type of gravity on the moon different from Zero G on the space station. Mining both air and rocket fuel.

    Possibly a therapy assist where G – force spinner can periodically equal earth's gravity to help tissues recover from the lack of this same gravity we experience on the moon. To be better for us than resistance exercise on the space station. How our bodies will compensate overall will be the turning point to help us reach space travel in a star ship designed to mimic earth's gravity throughout the ship.
    Or travel remotely with androids.

  5. They never stopped going to the moon! There are already bases up there and it's not a natural body, it is artificial. If anything is going to happen it will be because of the loss of our magnetic field and a shifting of the poles! Fear mongering!

  6. No coincidence that we found out recently that China has been coming back-and-forth from the moon for the last 15 years maybe even longer and God knows what kind of affects what they are doing has on the moon itself!🥶

  7. The silvery lesser luminary in our skies being mankind's constant and bizarre companion, with it's clean and tidy almost circular obit, lies oddly tidal locked with Earth showing just one side of it's body, lies at the precise distance from us that periodically eclipses the sun's disc, plus we occasionally glimpse lights originating from it's surface possibly from buildings hinted at, we glimpse clouds of water vapour out gassing, craters shrink in size, structures miles high are glimpsed sporadically in photographs , when struck it rings for an hour or so as if hollow, it seems to have rare and heavy metals scattered over it's surface, just like it was inside out, these are just some of the things that tip the apple cart over, and contribute to the very reason I would give anything to be given a visit with my own spacecraft to witness, record and understand what the darn that thing is up there, it isn't normal by any means, deathly beautiful to stand out on its regolith strew planes looking over a high mountain desert with always unblinking stars in the sky,
    if uninhabited things may remain unchanged up there for ones entire lifetime, or is it a very different world from that we are told, every single Apollo mission reported strange objects or craft following their progress,
    It would be almost out of this world to walk on the moon, I'd offer anything except my soul to go there.

  8. The only reason why they're doing this is the minerals the Moon will have the same minerals as are the Earth does if it came together with some of the Earth's debris and the other planets to breathe that slammed into Earth well they're going to have the same minerals so that rare mineral down here that everybody you know needs for your phones and computers and stuff like that that's what they're going to be looking for don't be surprised if they say oh well we're going to start mining the Moon it has gold silver Platinum uranium all of it

  9. Why say the first color on the moon. Its a typical saying color its racist. Isint white a color. You speak good words but you feel like you are more superior and its just contuined race. Most come from 3 types apes . Two are still alive. You nerd to stop saying the color its offensive..

  10. This sounds like you made it all up. How do you know that less heat shrinks a planetary body ? Different fluid minerals crystalize at lower temperatures and may have larger size thereof. I would be very interested in a link to a further read. Thx..

  11. We coloured ppl don't want to go to the moon give us our money that our ancestors been working for free…and you'll kill ..the hell going to the moon doing for us my rent is $2000 is there money on the moon


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