Solving 1 murder case? How about 60 at once? | Obra Dinn

This is a mostly unabridged playthrough of “Return of the Obra Dinn”, a mystery game where you need to deduce the fates of many unfortunate souls lost at sea. Slowly figuring out what happened to each of them was perhaps one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever experienced in a videogame.

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Note: This video was uploaded without being published to my subscriber feed to avoid spamming your subscriber feed, so if you’re watching, thank you very much!


36 thoughts on “Solving 1 murder case? How about 60 at once? | Obra Dinn”

  1. I love it when Otz explores games like this. It makes me want to buy them myself and I just love seeing him play other types of games besides DBD because his personality is so awesome and I get to enjoy it for 8 hrs.

  2. I just wanted to say thank you for this video. I have insomnia so I don’t sleep very much. And this video was so quiet and relaxing for and I fell right asleep to it. So thank you for helping get a great sleep in for once in a while. ❤

  3. I watched you play this for a little while, but I turned it off because I knew I wanted to watch your journey from the beginning. Thank you for this massive video, I look forward to watching!

  4. Took 2 days, but finally finished watching! The ending was actually genius on the doctor's part, but no spoilers… that was such an awesome game! Thanks for bringing it to the public Otz <3

  5. Stop spoiling the entire game! I have never seen such horrendous backseat gaming, the chat is constantly spamming every possible hint and answer before Otz has a chance to even think about it. Yes, he missed some obvious hints and moved on to the next scene too quickly. And if you leave him alone then he'll eventually get stuck and go back for them or ask for help or something. That's how the game works! You don't need to incessantly remind him to fill in every single detail as soon as it's technically possible to deduce and speedrun the game for you.

  6. General tips for playing if you bought this part-way through the video like I did:
    1. Utilize the "Unknown TYPEHERE" placeholders often. Even if you can't name a person yet (their portrait is blurred) you can still mark them as a placeholder. For example in that one particularly electrifying subchapter you can mark all the blurred topman as unknown topman. Or after you confirmed someone in a uniform as one type you can mark the other people wearing practically the same uniform as the same type.
    2. When re-investigating people to determine cause of death you're usually better off starting with the latest memory the appear in and working backwards, rather than their first memory and working forwards.
    3. If you want to cycle through all the unknown / unconfirmed people you have left don't use the crew list as the jumping point (Name -> Picture). Instead, page through the chapters you haven't finished and use the portraits as the jumping points. This makes it much less likely that you'll accidentally overwrite a name / placeholder or accidentally remove a name from a person you were sure of.

  7. God gave me many gifts!
    One of them was playing outer wilds
    Bad thing that I googled at the end and ruined one of the best experiences ever.

    If you are reading this, consider yourself luckier. I hope you love playing it

  8. I finished playing this game for the first time the other day. It's so good! Lucas Pope has shown that you can make great games about a monotonous task and develop a great story with it (Yes I stole that line from Yahtzee – he is more "eloquent" than I :D) I look forward to watching all of this!


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