SpaceX cargo NEW Starship reveals…

SpaceX cargo NEW Starship reveals…
Huge thank to:
Evan Karen:
In 2013, Elon Musk had a singular idea to revolutionize intercity transport and it had nothing to do with Tesla. Instead of self-driving electric vehicles ferrying people to and from the office, he proposed a system of tubes in which pops would ferry people at incredible speeds of up to 760 miles per hour.
9 years later, Elon Musk’s biggest pipe dream may finally come true.
However, Musk doesn’t stop his ambition, he now even dreams to revolutionize global cargo transport by using the new powerful Starship spacecraft his company SpaceX is developing and testing!
So, how will transport cargo with the Starship work? What does Starship offer freight movers?
And who will use the new cargo Starship first?
Let’s find out in today’s episode of Alpha Tech channel:

When you manufacture your product in one part of the Earth and want to sell it in another part of the Earth, you need the services of cargo carriers. For example, Elon Musk’s other company, Tesla, makes electric cars in China and sends them to other parts of the world.
This is the need to transport goods.
Indeed, from the very beginning, this business appeared with the most rudimentary tools. Gradually, over time, the forms of transportation have also increasingly diversified.
With the billionaire’s vision, Musk has set his eyes on the cargo transport sector which promises to bring huge profits for SpaceX.
The fact is each year, around 11 billion tons of cargo is moved by ship, and billions of tons more are moved by road, rail, and air.
Importantly, international trade has been now the driving motivator behind advancements in global transportation. As new inventions and discoveries were applied, travel time decreased while the ability to move more and larger loads increased. Innovation continues as transport researchers are working to find new ways to reduce costs and increase transport efficiency.

The Cargo version of Starship features a huge payload bay that opens up like the mouth of a crocodile.
This would allow it to be used for launching satellites.
Standing at 120 meters tall and 9 meters wide starship is in fact two pieces of one puzzle after leaving the earth’s atmosphere.
The super-heavy booster will detach from the starship and will then descend back down to earth where it will quite literally be grabbed by the very orbital launch site that sent it up just moments before. meanwhile, Starship will keep hurtling down through space.

To give a sense of scale to this mammoth Cargo Starship vehicle, Let’s compare it with the Saturn V, which is to date the tallest, heaviest, and most powerful rocket ever brought to operational status, and holds records for the heaviest payload launched and largest payload capacity to low earth orbit.
SpaceX cargo NEW Starship reveals…


32 thoughts on “SpaceX cargo NEW Starship reveals…”

  1. Ty as always folks. I really appreciate and look forward to you views and info. Bless ua all and cross my fingers daiy Elon is left alone as by all standards he alome see,s to be the only true visionary and still treats all us respectfully. Cheers

  2. You know if they had a separate tower to catch the booster and then transfer it over to the lunch tower then if something happens during a landing, like they happened on some of the drones where the booster slammed down and blew up, you probably wouldn't have as much expensive damage. I mean the base of the launch tower, they've worked on that really hard and we wouldn't want to see that get a gifted RUD by an errant booster. Maybe the turnaround time wouldn't be quite so fast but they can move the booster literally in an hour. They move them around all the time anyways.

  3. So air cargo is about $5 per Kg, and having looked it up for myself, the source i had said the 747 can hold 103,419kg of cargo putting it at $517,095 for a full capacity flight. In your video you've explained that a starship would cost $2m for a flight p2p, the economics of it doesn't match up for anybody to give starship cargo a serious look.
    This is all disregarding the fact that the landing point of a starship would need to be a SpaceX facility with a maybe a catching tower and certainly refueling capabilities, so any humanitarian crisis location probably wont even have one of these facilities across their entire country, furthermore launching a rocket or some may call an icbm to an unstable country may not be the best idea (see why the US military opted against putting nukes on 747s for that)

  4. Ok I totaly agree that we need some form of large transport. So we can save on launches and cargo ships. But my quistion is how you going to get that cargo out of the nose of star ship off the moon or mars with out crane. Because that is a 100 feet + in the air and that would way many tons. So no this part of the idea is not a good idea.

  5. Hopefully we will learn as we go? SLS sort of defies that but SpaceX will continue to embarrass that massive pork barrel hangar queen. Congressional interference in SpaceX success is an embarrassment. As though the Chinese stealing and cloning SpaceX success not a threat. Anyone who's elevator reaches all floors should understand it's a very new space race and NASA is in a sad 4th place. SpaceX is a clear 1st and let's hope congressional pork barrel hobbling doesn't screw with our national security.

  6. Considering what Spacex will have to charge people and cargo to ship stuff I don't see other transportation going away anytime soon.
    Still it is nice to know that we will have this option and there will be people who want and can pay for this.

  7. The one thing that you will need to consider rockets landing in disaster zones is what to do with them once they are unloaded? It's not like they can take off again without a booster. Other than a hop of course.

  8. Putting cars into a tunnel, travelling less than 40 miles an hour….

    How many billion did he waste of trying to convince the world that using a single lane tunnel is somehow better than driving on the road 😂😂

  9. That BF Spaceship can't do Any of that Stuff ! …. It Can't do [JS] ! … It's just a freaking Prototype ! … and it needs a BF Booster , that's also a Prototype ! … Musk has so much work to do on this Rocket … it will take Years to sort it out ! …. So Bragging about how it's gunna do this and it's Gunna Do that , is all Future Bullshiit …….

  10. Space X fanboy here.
    The future talk of what Starship can be is exciting.
    However it is still an unproven prototype.
    We still don’t know if a full stack can leave the pad without destroying something vital somewhere.
    We could see as many failures landing the booster as we did with Falcon.
    I don’t think we will because Space X is super smart at landing boosters now.
    Landing no different than catching really.
    Space X will absolutely win eventually no matter what it takes.

  11. Elon Musk is a nerd!
    And nerds are the ones who built civilization.

    Forget the Emperors, Warriors, Queens, Kings, etc. in history books. They built on top of what nerds made and yet even today most people do not realize this.

    Scientia Non Domus
    (Knowledge has No Home)


  12. Elon has been sniffing his own gas. Shipping across oceans is highly efficient, especially with very large container ships. Next is rail due to low friction steel wheels. Nobody is using hovercraft to transport cargo just like the won't use starship. An aggressive offensive military, like the US will want it to project force, but other than that….ho hum. The real problem is getting OFF the earth, not returning. Transport to Mars is best done by nuclear, not chemical energy. Return to Earth can be done by a Cargo Neutron rocket, which delivers Capsules to a LEO spaceport. Starship is dumb as hell, and Elon is smoking Hopium.

  13. While I see a lot of value in Starship, this feels like the BS arguments that were made to justify the space shuttles back in the 70's and 80's. The simple fact is that this will never be able to transport cargo in a large enough volume to make it cost effective. Nor are people going to want to risk putting lightweight but incredibly valuable cargos onto a rocket and shoot them to their destination.

  14. 100 tons is about 4ea 40’ shipping containers, and those run about $22K USD per container from China to NY, or about $88K USD for shipping 100 tons. And I can load and unload those at my warehouse. Even at $2.5M USD for 25T, I don’t think the added $25 USD for a 8oz rubber chicken over the c urrent container/ship cost would be a profitable option at the retail level. 🙂

  15. a cargo ship for interplanetary transportation would make much more sense, to Mars and to the Moon at first. imagine, an incredible amount of cargo would be sent to anywhere in our galaxy. you want a Mars city, here! Moon? there. shuttle up/down cargo. the cargo ship itself will always stay in orbit. acting as a space station in the meantime. how about that?


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