Solved Mysteries that will Make You Question Humanity

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Animations and Intro by Robin:

Music by Myuu, Kevin MacLeod and CO.AG Music:…

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#solved #mystery #truecrime

0:00 – Intro
1:25 – Sophie Sergie
11:58 – Dylan Redwine


34 thoughts on “Solved Mysteries that will Make You Question Humanity”

  1. "He's been an upstanding citizen! Ya know, besides the rape and murder. But he's a nurse, he's helped so many people! Well, besides the woman he raped a murdered…". 🙄😒
    So sick of these excuses. Gtfo.
    No one is a murderer, until they're a murderer.

  2. The Dylan Redwine case still haunts me. Children that are adamant about not wanting to have visitation with a particular parent/guardian should have a voice. He'd no doubt be alive today if the court didn't fail him miserably, especially in this particular case since his dad had made threats. Not only that, parents/guardians need to not have their smut available to their children.
    R. I. P. Dylan Redwine 🥀🪦🪽

  3. Native American communities have a higher murder rate all over north America wherever you encounter them.
    Just adding context since you made it sound like it's outsiders killing them and not their internal problems

  4. It’s terrible that a scared to death young boy was still forced to stay with his dad, knowing he was abusive to his mom and already scared him the previous time he stayed with him with fukd up pictures…I understand law is law but if the kid is scared to stay with the other parent exemptions should be made and he shouldn’t be forced to. Mom should have said NO period, only way is if police take him.

  5. Can't belive youtube deleted my comment, but it makes my blood absolutely boil that Dylan was forced to see his Dad. The courts should've protected him and now allow his father to see him when clearly even his older brother and other family members all stated they don't want to be with their dad. He didn't deserve to have Dylan as a son nor be called a father. Won't even call him an animal since they have more dignity than him. You ask me he doesn't deserve to live out another minute of his life. He should've gotten the death penalty since his son had his whole life ahead of him and this hypocritical dirt bag decided to end it over those photos and his secrets. And then when it's all said and done throw him in a ditch and call it a day. He doesn't even have the respect to have a proper burial if I had it my way. I feel sad for Corey. I can imagine he blames hinself everday for not going with Dylan, but he shouldn't. He might've never thought his dad would do that. Though if you ask me he shouldn't have sent Dylan those photos after his dad warned him. I personally wouldn't have since I wouldn't have wanted my brother to start something and possibly get hurt or even worse. His hatred for his father probably clouded his thoughts however. Poor guy, absolutely tragic to have that happen in your life.

  6. My little conspiracy is that all those ads and influencers pushing those ancestry and DNA services are just doing the polices job for cheap and without a warrant.

    I dont think a lot of people would sign up and do 23&Me if they knew, explicitly, that their entire family tree was now visible and searchable by the police.

    But sure, other countries are the places with absurd surveillance on their citizens

  7. Can there be like one single story that isn’t about women being gratuitously r**ed and slaughtered by males? It’s like almost every upload on every creepy content channel is about this. What’s worse is that they all just view this as “general creepy murder situations” and not the fact that almost all murder is males r**ing and killing women.

  8. quite a few of the richest people in the world have a scat fetish, I guess something about it is motivating to become wealthy to pay for it to be reality. just a reminder that we are indeed still a monkey inside, some of us anyway

  9. Don’t keep a horrible person’s secrets; expose them as soon as you safely can. I wish the pictures had been shown to the mother or authorities. Maybe the visits would have been stopped or at least been supervised visits. 😢

  10. WTF “ she had been SA ed” ? male fluids ? Is saying “ sexual assaulted “ in a video about femicide and sexual assault ! too much because you could shock someone?? Come on, don’t make a video about this topic if you even can’t say what it’s about. It’s denigrating for the victims to have their plight being down talked. Don’t get me wrong I do like this channel and I guess this shit is the sign of times but please don’t give in to it.


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