Sith Meditation – A Dark Atmospheric Ambient Journey – Deep and Mysterious Sith Ambient Music

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40 thoughts on “Sith Meditation – A Dark Atmospheric Ambient Journey – Deep and Mysterious Sith Ambient Music”

  1. Sith don't actually meditate. It is mostly frowned upon by them. They prefer internal rage. It's what keeps them fueled with hatred. Meditation is mostly what Jedi do.

  2. Good intro for centering yourself if you are of the darker kind. Havent been able too feel mysefl without disturbances for quite a while. Bookmarked. Getting help centering into my real normal was with all these vibrations you get bombarded with everydaywas truly good. Hope the "universe" starts to fuck off and let me be myself without help, as fast as possible. Fuck they get on my nerves PS peace

  3. I fall asleep to astral projection meditation. I saw different kinds of Grey Aliens and I dreamed that I got to see and play with my dog again. My dog passed away 4 months ago. I miss her.

  4. I can't wrap my head around the concept of 'sith meditation'. A dark side user fuels his negative emotions and feeds on them. And the purpose of meditation is to reach peace of the mind, which sounds like a jedi thing to do. Correct me if I'm wrong.


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