Single Until 60 Yrs Old: "If Only I Knew This Love Lesson At 45!" (Find Real Love) | Cindy Trimm

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If you’ve ever wondered, β€œIs staying single worth it?” Before you settle for that partner your gut keeps warning you about, you HAVE to watch this episode. Today, I’m having a heart-to-heart with Cindy Trimm, a woman who turned her broken pieces and unstoppable ambition into powerful wisdom bombs.

Cindy got married at 60 (yes, you read that right!), proving that it’s never too late to find happiness. She believes that we attract who we are, not who we want. So, if you’re dreaming of an amazing partner, let’s make sure you’re frikin amazing first!

We dive deep into Cindy’s 20-year vision plan and how she developed the mindset of choosing adventure over security. We discuss hard-hitting questions like, β€œCan he handle all that you want to grow and evolve into?” It’s time for you to stop playing the supporting role in other people’s stories!

So, if you’re ready to step into the leading role in your own story, hit that play button. And remember, you’re just ONE decision away from choosing a future you may not want for yourself. Buckle up because this is going to be one empowering ride!

If Cindy’s powerful story connects with you, check out her powerful book, Unstoppable, Compete With Your Best Self and Win:

Chapter Markers:
[00:00] Manifest Your Perfect Love
[12:11] Stand Firm On Your Worth
[20:56] Unlock Your True Desires
[30:50] You Are Priority, Not Optional
[45:35] The Power In Your Brokenness
[57:00] Empower Yourself: Set Boundaries
[1:16:18] Context Is A Requirement
[1:33:38] Bonus Episode: Marina Worre

***From Broken to Confident Badass With Marina Worre***
Ever wondered how a lost and broken soul transforms into a confident badass? Well, buckle up, because Marina Worre’s story is about to blow your socks off. From the ashes of an abusive situation, she rose like a phoenix, fueled by the power of her own thoughts. And guess what? She’s ready to spill the beans on building your confidence empire. Ready to dive in?
Powerful Thoughts from Cindy Trimm:

β€œI made the decision that I was not going to settle at all. Not for a spouse, not for anybody. I was going to explore the full range of everything that I was to myself and for the world.”

β€œI wasn’t looking for a feeling, I was looking for a person that loved themselves just like I loved myself and wasn’t intimidated by who I was.”

β€œI understood that I could only attract who I was not who I wanted.”

β€œSelf awareness is knowing where you end and someone else begins.”

β€œUnless you make the unconscious conscious, the unconscious will continue to direct your life and you will call it fate.”

β€œEveryday you can choose the bigness of your future or the smallness of your past, and your past has nothing new to say to you so stop listening.”

β€œTomorrow cannot be messed up in advance. It’s a clean slate!”

β€œStop making people the priority and making yourself the option.”

β€œEvery crisis is a gift, every problem is an opportunity, and every adverse circumstance is my most valuable teacher.”

β€œYour feet will never take you where your mind has never been.”

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47 thoughts on “Single Until 60 Yrs Old: "If Only I Knew This Love Lesson At 45!" (Find Real Love) | Cindy Trimm”

  1. This video is amazing. I am 59, single for 30 years, and I had all my possessions stolen by my narcissistic family. This was a hard fall, and it's getting harder to get back up after fighting the battle of life for so long. I need to start over, again. I need to learn to love myself and set better boundaries.

  2. When she said, "nothing wrong with you" blew my mind at how long that's been my narrative. Thank God he brought me someone a year ago who helped me realize that nothing was wrong with me. And hearing this now was like the cherry on top. Just be your best self… and no one's perfect. But there's nothing wrong with us either… a paradox but if you get it you get it❀❀❀

  3. I'm 47, divorced for 14 years, and I'm loooooooooovin' the single life. The more I hear, "You're still young, you NEED a man in your life", the more I feel singlehood was the best choice for me. I'm not looking, actively or inactively. This is my time for me and my kids. I don't want a relationship, and I don't need the drama nor do I need or want to answer to someone else other than my kids. I'm too independent and many guys don't like that. My narcissistic "mother", ex-husband, and daughters' father do not approve of my independence. If a man exists who is okay with me being my own person and not a lost puppy, he'll either be gay, traumatized by his last girlfriend, or stuck in a crappy relationship. There are very few "good men" out there now. I'm not so lonely that I need to have a smackdown with some spoiled brat over him. If he wants me, he'll find me. Then he'll have a LOOOOOT of work to do to convince me that he's legit.

  4. β€œUntil you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Carl Jung . Thank you for facilitating this interview and knowing another amazing & powerful lady!

  5. I want to try the left hand thing. That sounds interesting. I like that is isn't going to stress the brain to do. Mostly physical. lol.

    I thought I found someone but after almost two years, I realize that he is likely a narcissist. I am not qualified to diagnose so I will just say very unhealthy person. He hurts me a lot. Gosh it is so hard to keep positive. Leaving the relationship now but I know that as Cindy says, I created this. We attract what we are. It is easy to say value yourself….it isn't a light switch in there. I am scared I never will no matter how much I want to……so, that left hand retraining trick sounds great because it doesn't involve overthinking…just go through the motions.

  6. 00:38 πŸ€” Reflect on your worth and attract the right person by working on yourself internally.
    01:44 πŸ”„ Embrace change and seek a partner who can accommodate your evolving self.
    03:32 🚫 Avoid settling; explore your full potential before committing to a relationship.
    04:42 🀝 Seek a partner who loves themselves and is not intimidated by your true self.
    05:23 πŸ€” During critical life decisions, consider if you approve of yourself and your happiness.
    07:13 πŸ”„ Reframe your life narrative, and don't play a supporting role in someone else's story.
    09:30 πŸ’ͺ Empower yourself by knowing where you end and others begin, avoiding victimhood.
    11:56 πŸ’‘ Focus on self-mastery; a better you contributes to a better relationship.
    13:46 πŸ”„ Embrace aloneness for self-discovery; do the inner work to determine your worth.
    16:59 🚫 Say no to compromising your goals for others, and set your expectations.
    19:14 🌱 Start with what you can do, avoid comparison, and recognize your ability to give.
    21:56 πŸ” Practical steps for self-love: rewiring habits, affirmations, and setting daily goals.
    22:55 πŸ”„ Reprogramming unconscious mind: The unconscious mind is responsible for 95% of behavior, and you can reprogram it by focusing on the 5% conscious mind, changing thoughts, and behaviors.
    26:31 πŸš— Shifting gears in life: Shift your life out of gear by taking back personal power, making conscious decisions, and focusing on what you want rather than dwelling on the past.
    29:59 πŸ’‘ Daily decisions shape your life: Ask yourself daily what you want in various aspects of lifeβ€”health, relationships, and more. Decisions, driven by willpower, are more potent than skills.
    34:30 🀝 People's response and self-worth: Be comfortable with others' responses; focus on honorable intentions. Align actions with personal values, even if it means disappointing others.
    38:08 πŸ—£ Communication in relationships: Open communication is key in relationships. Expressing needs, desires, and boundaries can lead to positive changes, and it's crucial for personal growth within a partnership.
    42:32 πŸ”„ Seek guidance from experienced individuals: Surround yourself with people who have walked a similar path and seek their advice. Learning from others' experiences can provide valuable insights and perspectives.
    45:12 πŸ•Š Embrace adversity as an introduction to your true self, following Victor Frankl's idea that adversity reveals hidden aspects and leads to personal growth.

    46:32 πŸ”„ Reframe every crisis as a gift, every problem as an opportunity, and every adverse circumstance as a valuable teacher. Change your narrative from victimhood to excitement about discovering the next best version of yourself.

    48:27 πŸšͺ Embrace challenges as taps on the shoulder, indicating an opportunity for personal growth. Learn from examples like Nelson Mandela, who chose forgiveness even after 27 years in prison.

    51:25 🧠 Harness the power of thought to overcome self-imposed limitations. Change your mind to change your life. Your mind, not external factors, sets the limits.

    53:12 🚧 Address life challenges strategically. Understand the power of strategy in overcoming obstacles, whether financial, personal, or professional.

    55:53 🌌 Manifest your desired life by aligning your thoughts with positive outcomes. Acknowledge what has manifested, and if it's not what you want, change your thoughts to reshape your future.

    56:34 πŸ›£ The hardest work is changing your mind. Life aligns when you change your mindset. Don't focus on changing external circumstances; change your thoughts to change your life.

    57:47 πŸ›‘ Set boundaries early in life, defining what you need from others that you cannot provide for yourself. Boundaries include psychological, physical, relationship, financial, and professional aspects.

    01:03:12 πŸ’‘ Understand and enforce psychological, physical, relationship, financial, and professional boundaries. Boundaries define where others cannot penetrate your psyche, space, or expectations.

    01:05:31 🀝 In the workplace, set clear boundaries between friendship and professionalism. Understand the 12 bands of relationships, each with its own solid line, and avoid compromising these lines.

    01:07:06 πŸ“œ Establish and maintain clear categories and criteria for different relationships, from strangers to friends, colleagues, spouses, children, extended family, mentors, and coaches. Respect the distinct roles and responsibilities within each relationship band.

    01:07:47 🌐 Cindy emphasizes the importance of defining relationships in today's hyperconnected environment, distinguishing between social media friends and strangers.

    01:09:25 🀝 Navigating boundaries in blended families involves respecting genetic relationships, managing expectations, giving time for understanding, and allowing children to decide how to address you.

    01:12:46 πŸ’‘ Cindy keeps her relationship with her husband private, avoiding interference from external opinions. Clear communication about boundaries is crucial in maintaining a strong relationship.

    01:14:47 πŸ”„ Cindy advises getting to know family members separately, offering support while recognizing personal limitations. Establishing clear communication and understanding each other's unique qualities is essential.

    01:18:29 🌐 Cultural differences can create misunderstandings. Cindy and the host discuss the importance of defining words and creating a shared understanding to avoid miscommunication in relationships.

    01:23:14 πŸš€ Building confidence involves understanding your natural strengths, accepting yourself, discarding ineffective habits, and embracing your unique qualities. Seeking help for insecurities is a valid step towards personal growth.

    01:30:25 🌱 Play on the purpose you have; it doesn't have to be something big, but meaningful. Cindy Trimm emphasizes the impact of her mother's purpose in raising her with confidence and a sense of contribution to society.
    01:31:32 🌍 Don't compare yourself to others; your unique contribution matters. Cindy Trimm encourages individuals to embrace their roles, regardless of societal labels, as each person can make a significant impact.
    01:32:53 πŸš€ Bring the best of yourself to the table; don't lower your expectations. Cindy Trimm emphasizes the importance of maintaining personal standards and happiness while contributing positively to the world.
    01:34:15 🧠 Address low self-esteem and impostor syndrome; acknowledge yourachievements. The discussion highlights how successful individuals often struggle with self-worth issues, emphasizing the importance of building positive beliefs about oneself.
    01:35:38 πŸ’‘ Collaborate instead of competing in relationships; recognize and leverage each other's strengths. The conversation emphasizes the power of combining strengths in relationships, fostering collaboration rather than competition.
    01:38:24 πŸ— Empower yourself and take ownership of your happiness. The discussion highlights the significance of individual confidence and not relying on others to provide happiness or fulfillment.
    01:40:30 🀝 Communication with respect is crucial for building trust. The conversation emphasizes the importance of respectful communication in relationships, creating a safe space for vulnerability and trust.
    01:46:22 πŸ’ͺ Building confidence is essential to attracting the right partner. The discussion explores the idea that to attract a confident and loving partner, one must first embody those qualities themselves.
    01:50:28 πŸš€ Positive momentum is crucial, and doubling down on it is essential for success in relationships and business. A 90-day game plan with intense activity can build a foundation for growth.
    01:51:36 🌬 When making a decision to change or pursue goals, the universe tests your commitment. Recognize challenges, adjust your course like adjusting a sail in the wind, and endure through the testing times.
    01:53:56 πŸ’ͺ Overcoming the fear of failure is crucial for success. Many people don't fulfill their dreams due to the fear of failure. Embrace failure as part of the journey, share the struggle, and acknowledge that quitting is the only true failure.
    01:58:33 🌈 There is a light at the end of every tough period.Recognize that challenges are temporary, have patience, and stay focused on your goals. Marina shares a personal story of overcoming challenges for her family.
    01:59:28 πŸ’ͺ The power of "sucking it up": Acknowledge emotions, but don't let them keep you down. Embrace the mentality of pushing through challenges, staying resilient, and understanding the importance of bouncing back.
    02:00:24 πŸ”„ Developing inner drive and habits is crucial. Marina emphasizes being inner-driven over outer-driven. Adopting habits, pushing through inconveniences, and having a strong vision propel her toward her goals.
    02:03:08 🧘 Awareness is powerful. Being aware of weaknesses, challenges, and problems allows for growth and improvement. Recognizing one's selling and buying conversations internally enables better self-control and decision-making.
    02:07:45 πŸ”„ Embracing awareness helps personal growth. Marina expresses the importance of acknowledging weaknesses, understanding what can be controlled, and seeking help where needed. Awareness accelerates personal development.
    02:09:22 πŸ›« Facing fears involves recognizing expertise, like trusting pilots to fly, and understanding the mission's importance.
    02:10:30 🌍 Mission-driven mindset helps overcome fear; for example, the desire to contribute to others outweighs the fear of flying.
    02:11:50 🎭 Fear of the unknown, not just fear of public speaking, is a prevalent and significant challenge for many.
    02:13:09 🧠 Protecting mental well-being involves filtering negative information, focusing on what can be controlled, and letting go of the rest.
    02:14:35 πŸ”„ Learning to delegate, trust others, and focus on personal strengths enhances productivity and fulfillment.

  7. Great interview. The ending was epic when Cindy talked about her mother. I am the oldest of 7 children, my Mother was an amazing woman..she was the best. And to Lisa, I am Greek Orthodox, and married to a xeno, so I know exactly what you are talking about…you are amazing.

  8. I had a comment on here praising Lisa and Cindy for helping me daily now that I’m out of an abusive relationship. I mentioned that they’re giving me the strength I need to do something here on yt. I also discussed how I’m using Lisa’s videos to replace the negative things I was told repeatedly with positivity and empowerment. I also thanked the community here in the comments. My comment was removed.


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