Simulating Tropical Weather in 'Far Cry 6'

In this 2022 GDC session, Ubisoft Montreal’s Emily Zhou and Ubisoft Toronto’s Colin Weick describe the techniques and systems implemented to simulate tropical weather in Far Cry 6 as well as the challenges faced orchestrating these systems to produce dynamic weather transitions.

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6 thoughts on “Simulating Tropical Weather in 'Far Cry 6'”

  1. Sorry, but everything looks worse in Far Cry 6 than Far Cry 5. The light is just.. off. Everything is way too yellow, the weather is not realistic ( rains simply appears) and everything feels fake and basically like a giant fake playground, rather than a real island. But it's also down to the tone of the game and the cardboard characters, that simply are caricatures – including our main character. Every time I play this, I wish I could change the lighting and get that extra immersion, but no. And I'm running this on a big rig, with everything set to ultra


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